New couple

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Felix's POV

I was walking down the school hall peacefully. The atmosphere was fresh and breathable. I was skipping happily through the hall, as if I had the weight off my shoulders that were my problems, until I started hearing two familiar girls talking.

"Moonyoung and Hyunjin are such a good couple"

My body stiffened at that sentence.

"Yea, I agree." I heard a familiar voice. As I turned around to the voice, where it came from, I saw it come from Olivia's mouth.

"What about Felix though? How will he feel, if he finds out that Hyunjin and Moonyoung are together?" Asked Lilly.

"He won't even give a fuck. That asshole kept rejecting Hyunjin, so he deserved it." Said Olivia coldly. I felt anger, betrayal, fury and jealousy at that moment, as Olivia called me an asshole and as I heard that Moonyoung and Hyunjin were together. And the way Olivia just said it coldly, as if she didn't care about me. I tightened my fists so hard that they went white. Then I finally snapped.

"WHO DO YOU-" I threw a punch at her but it just went through her body and she gave no reaction. I threw a punch at her again but it just ended up the same. Right through her body and no reaction from her. That's when I realized that she wasn't even looking at her. Not even Lilly, even though I was right in front of her. She didn't even glanced at me for a second and just continued talking.

"Am I invisible?" I thought.

"Olivia?" I asked but she didn't answer.

"L-lilly?" I asked but Lilly didn't answer him.

As I tried to tap on Olivia's shoulder,  the finger just went through her shoulder.

"What the-"

"Look there they are!" Exclaimed Lilly and pointed at the new couple, who were walking down the hall right now.

Moonyoung and Hyunjin.

As I saw the couple having their fingers intertwined, my heart shattered into millions of pieces. And with shattered into millions of pieces I really meant that it shattered. I felt how something in my chest was breaking apart, hearing noises coming from my chest. I then suddenly felt an unbearable pain in my chest and started coughing up blood. My eyes widened, as I  saw the red liquid and solid.

"N-no..." Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my head. My vision started to blur in a red dark color, everything started to spin around me, my body was starting to tremble and shake non stop and then my head hit the floor.

No one's POV

"AH!" Gasped Felix. It was just a nightmare.

"Felix! You're finally awake! Jisoo, he's awake!" Jisung hugged him tightly."I thought you were about to die..."

"J-jisung..." Felix couldn't breath, Because of the tight hug.


"Y-you're c-chok-"


"I think he's trying to say that you're chocking him, Jisung" Said Minho.

"Oh, I'm sorry Lix."

Felix could catch his breath again.

"I-It's ok. How...did I end up here? Am I in the hospital?"

"Sunghoon slammed your head against the locker, until you passed out and no you aren't in the hospital. You're in the nurse's office." Explained Minho.

𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔 [𝒉𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒙]Where stories live. Discover now