Fang 53: Kränklich süße pampelmuse pt. 4

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AN: Aaaash, so sorry about the delays in chapters! Life has been...a lot. I hope you'll forgive me with this new development. Hints for what happens: 🐾🔥

Silver closed his eyes and straightened his expression as he stepped aside to let you take in the surroundings of the ball room, the walls colored in a cheerful blue.

Everything about the ballroom was cheerful and bright, from the music, to the decor, to the guests.

It was already strange enough to see only humans on this floor, even more so that most were nicely dressed.

Bright blue and white balloons lined the corners and bobbed lightly around the banquet tables, tables themselves sprinkled with silver confetti, the sunlight spilling from the large windows helping it shine.

Acting as a centerpiece for the room was a large white cake with cream colored frosting surrounded by sweets of various shapes and cultures, all with touches of the blue and white themes of the room.

It looked like a birthday party.

You felt an arm hook around yours and looked to see Silver next to you.

"Adel will be coming out soon," was all he said before the both of you were walking towards a corner.

Curiously, a gray doorknob appeared on the wall without warning and as Silver turned it, a door formed.

You were too disoriented by the strangeness of today, with each even topping itself with its bizarreness that you couldn't register the woman who had came out of the room.

"Y/n?" The woman asked, concern in her deep brown eyes, "are you okay?"

You took a moment but her voice was familiar.

"Wait a minute," you began, "Adel?!"

Her concern was replaced with a warm smile as the both of you hugged eagerly, the door or knob no longer on sight.

No longer the meek girl with her messy hair in a bun and ragged uniform, Adel stood graciously as she wore a beautiful navy blue ballroom dress alined with crystals; painted around her eyes were night colored eyeshadow that complimented her eyes and dress perfectly, and her lips were dotted with red lipstick.

You wondered why she wasn't the Child of Eden instead of you, as she looked like a noble.

"You look beautiful," you breathed.

"So do you!" She beamed as she took your hands, "you look like a knight about to save the princess!"

"Yeah, but..." you shook your head and let the words fall into your mouth; you had other matters to address.

"You have any idea what the occasion is?"

Her smile fell briefly.

"Unfortunately not. They don't tell the lowly servants that kind of info, after all."

You nodded.

There was a chance she was thrown into the magic closet without warning just like you, so it was likely she had no idea.

You looked and saw, once again, Silver was nowhere in sight as you and Adel stood.

"Well, in any case, let's enjoy this wonderful party!" Adel said excitedly. "This'll be a wonderful story to tell my great-grandfather and them!"

"Have you not been to a party before?" You cocked your head curiously.

She smiled meekly, looking more like the girl you were used to for a moment.

"Uh, no. Servants don't do anything outside of work, work, work, and I've lived in the manor my whole life. This is a new experience for me."

She brightened on the last note.

You would have to make sure she has the best day possible, in that case.

"Alright then, I say we start with enjoying that buffet table, eh? Want me to make your plate?"

After a bit of eating and chatting, the steady hum of the jazz was replaced with something more upbeat, reminiscent of an 80s hair metal number.

Adel beamed.

"Ooh, this is my favorite song! C'mon, Y/n, let's dance!"

At the word dance your legs immediately started to ache from the memory of the torturous etiquette class.

"Uh, you go on ahead..." You said sheepishly.

Her brows crinkled in confusion.

"Are you not able to?"

You sighed.

"It's not that..." You didn't want to tell her about the lessons, you didn't want her to worry.

Thankfully she didn't pry as a young man dressed in all white offered her to dance.

She took it before giving you a final pitying glace and you watched the two of them exit onto the dance floor with the other couples.

Right, alone again.

Being by yourself was lonely and despite the pleasures of food and comfort of all humans, you couldn't enjoy any of it.

Without your partner, your little buddy Grimmy, nothing felt the same.

You took a glass of purple liquid off of the plate of a passing waiter and sipped slowly, the grape-flavored bubbles of its contents hitting your tongue refreshingly.

It was certainly good, and you wondered how Grim would have described it had he tasted it.

" some animal!" A voice yelled in irritation.

You looked and saw Silver struggling with something, though with the constant flurry of people, you couldn't tell who or what it was.

Malleus' horns were visible behind him.

"Stop wriggling!" Silver yelled, his expression uncharacteristically cross, "your injuries are still-"

"Then don't manhandle me, dammit!" the familiar voice cut him off.

Silver stumbled forward as a loud thump came before him and the tip-tapping of feet(?) rang out through the hard floor of the ballroom.

From the startled glances and sudden parting of the crowd, you gleaned the firey ears of a familiar furry face, his large blue eyes narrowed in irritation.

"Seriously, what's wrong with that..."

He trailed off as he met your shocked gaze, eyes wide.


You were wide-eyed yourself, your mouth opening and closing before you finally got the words to leave your throat.


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