Fang 54: Kränklich süße pampelmuse pt. 5

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Without another word, you shoved past the confused dancers and partygoers as Grim and yourself made it to one another.

Once you got close to him, your knees finally gave out and you embraced him eagerly.

"Grim," your voice broke as the tears clouded your vision, "you're finally back."

"Hehe, ya missed me that much, henchman?" He said, though his voice was lacking that arrogance he usually wore, full of mirth.

You rubbed his fur, but realized he had some soft fabric on and looked down to see he had on a white tux, the shoes and pants ommitted.

"Whoa, Grim, they got you too?" You sniffed back a tear.

At the mention of the magic closet, he crossed his arms as his fur bristled.

"Hmph! You better give that boyfriend of yours a good talking to! He and his boss threw me into that crazy closet right after I woke up! And then after forcin' me out of that, he goes and calls himself carrying me like a baby!"

He spat.

"It was enough to make anybody mad!"

You stifled a giggle.

"They treated you that badly, huh? Wait... boyfriend?"

Grim gave you a cheeky grin.

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me. If the head honcho knew you were gettin' frisky with one of his attendants, you wouldn't be the only one in deep trouble," he said with a wink.

As the memory of you and Silver's incident at the bathroom came clear in your mind, you flinched in embarrassment.

"But you're not really tryna get either of those guys, right?" Grim spoke suddenly, his voice serious.

You looked down and he met your look with a serious scowl.

"Promise me you won't let these vampire guys woo you, got that?"

You blinked but smiled and nodded.

"Loud and clear. You're the best, Boss," you said as you patted his head.

"You better believe it!" He yelled in triumph.

You got up to see Silver and Malleus coming up to you, Silver's own face cross, while Malleus was neutral.

"That cat of yours is quite belligerent," he said crossly as he stared Grim down, "he wouldn't listen to a thing I said!"

"How the hell would you listen to someone who's manhandled ya right after your injuries?!" Grim met his glare head on with a glare of his own, not missing a beat.

"And for the love of the Greats, I ain't a stupid cat!"

"Is that any way to speak to those who saw to your recovery?" Malleus asked, a small smile on his elegant face.

"Is that anyway to treat somebody's boss like they're a criminal?!" Grim shot back.

Malleus chuckled, but something about it made your skin prickle.

"Um," you began quickly, standing between Silver and Grim, who were still glaring at each other, "I'd like to thank you, Lord Malleus. Was this the surprise you were speaking about?"

"Of course!" He said cheerfully, the ice in his eyes knocked away as he gave you his full attention.

He gestured around the room as he spoke.

"This entire party was planned in lue of Grim's wondrous return!"

He then grabbed your hand and gently pulled you to him, though you almost tripped on Grim in an effort to match the speed of his pull.

"I wanted to make it up to you as an apology for..." he shook his head "everything that happened to you. The both of you, though..."

He shot a disdainful glance at Grim, who was still locked onto Silver, who chose to ignore him.

"...It seems that my actions have been realized by only one of you."

You laughed nervously.

"Uh, yeah, well, you did kind of throw us into a loop with the magic closets-"

"Still, it pleases me to see you are in high spirits," he ignored your comment, "and I would hope that I can provide more wondrous things for you in the future."

He held both of your hands gently, and you could almost detect the lingering scent of lavender off of his clothes.

You were looking deep into those lime green eyes, his usually thin pupils dilated into diamonds as he met your line of vision.

Those beautiful lime green eyes....

"Whatever you need, please, do not hesitate to come to me, Y/n."

He smiled gently, the warmth of it filling your bones.

For a moment, you truly felt that you could lay all your worries to him, all your cares.

"Oi!" Grim's voice broke your out of your trance and you looked down at him.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm hungry! I wanna try those funny looking sandwiches other there!"

He pointed to a mountainous tray of macarons.

"Ah," you spun to tend to Grim's hunger, just missing the displeased frown that shadowed Malleus' visage, "yeah, let's get you something to eat, shall we?"

As soon as you and Grim were at the table, which was a little ways away from where Silver and Malleus stood, Grim shot you a troubled glance.

"Hey, don't forget your promise!" He hissed, "you got people to see! Remember that these guys are monsters!"

You stiffened as you stared into his earnest eyes.

That's right, you thought, Ace and Deuce are waiting for me. I can't let myself get swept up in his pace.

You almost forgot why you were here, what you intended to do, and who your allies truly were.

This is why you needed Grim; he was here to ground you, keep your thoughts in check.

"You're the best, Grim," you said finally as you watched him gobble down the macarons with incredible speed.

"I know I am!" He said smugly with bits of food in his cheeks.

For a moment, the hairs on the back of your neck stood, but when you looked around, nothing seemed amiss.

Was it just your imagination?

You shook your head as you tried to locate Adel from the crowd; surely she'd be ecstatic to see Grim again.

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