Fang 58: A Silver Lining pt 2

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His eyes widened again, the mask of seriousness melted completely as he studied your face, as if to see if you were okay.

"Join you?" the confusion in his voice was evident.

Grim popped out of the picnic basket and gave you a low-lidded look while he had a biscuit in his mouth.

"Yes. As a matter of fact, despite us being together a lot, I know very little about you," you answered as you sat at the other side of the bed before popping a piece of turkey and cheese in your mouth, savoring the mouth-watering juice.

That much was true; you knew more about Malleus than you did about him, and there was something you wanted to ask him...

"So, Silver," you began slowly as Grim attacked a box full of chocolate covered strawberries, "what was it like living here as a kid?"

You patted the section of bed that left space for him but instead of taking it, he stayed in place, his stance wooden and his lids lowered in suspicion.

"Where did this come all of a sudden?" He asked after a moment of staring at you.

"They wanna know what kinda guy you are," Grim answered between bites with a roll of his eyes, "they're weird like that. Though, you ain't much better."

Silver's expression melted into his usual sternness, though his voice was gentler.

"You're less cute when you're mean."

Grim paused his eating and gave him a sassy look.

"What ever stops ya from randomly pickin' me up or shovin' me in a strange closet, weirdo!"

Silver avoided his gaze.

"I hadn't intended on being rough with you, however His Highness insisted I get you to the ballroom as soon as possible."

Grim let out a disgruntled noise but continued eating.

Silver turned back towards you, regaining his seriousness.

"I was hoping you'd elaborate on what made you inquire about my youth, as I don't give out my personal information often."

"Malleus told me," you explained sheepishly, "how you and him would prank the servants and guests there. Though..." You cocked your head, "you don't really look the type."

At that point, all stern professionalism melted away as his eyes widened and he collapsed into his knees, holding his head as he let out an exasperated groan.

"I can't believe it...he remembered?!"

You blinked at him while Grim watched his reaction in confusion.

"What's with him? He got a stomach ache or something?"

You felt your cheeks warm up, realizing what you just said.

"Ah, I didn't -!!"

You held your face.

Of course he'd be embarrassed! This was probably a long time ago, and given how on guard he was a second ago, he probably doesn't want anyone knowing his relationship with the Prince.

How could you only realize this just now?!

"Sorry, Silver! I promise I didn't tell anyone else about your childhood!"

Grim shook his head. "Yup, both of you guys are weird."

As you sputtered, he slowly rose to his feet, his face mirroring the same shade of red as yours.

"I, uh," he began, interrupting your words, "I'm surprised he told you so leisurely. Normally, we're all very conservative with our personal information, and that goes double for others within our clansmen."

He cleared his throat before eyeing you sheepishly. "Even though you're the Child of must have something special about you for him to want to share that willingly."

You grimaced.

"But I didn't do anything..."

You squirmed uncomfortably as you recalled that night with Malleus as he confessed about his personal life and the perils that came with it.

How angry and confused you were at him at that time.

How you woke up in his room-

You slapped your cheeks before another thought proceeded, and you heard Grim let out a strange noise.

You looked around and saw both Grim and Silver were sharing a wide-eyed stare, non-blinking as they gawked at you.

"What?" You spoke dumbly.

"You just slapped yer face all of a sudden!" Grim spat, anger glowing in his large blue eyes.

"...It's nothing to get worked up about," you answered quickly, ignoring the the sting in your cheeks.

Silver stayed silent as his eyes relaxed.

"Despite having our Lord in the palm of your hand, you can still act so bashful," he muttered so quietly that you didn't hear him.

"Huh? Did you say something?"

He shook his head.

"Nothing important. Now, what exactly do you want to know about me again?"

You thought for a moment.

"What led to you becoming a soldier? Since you and...Lord Malleus are technically brothers, why didn't you try to become higher ranked?"

He sat up uncomfortably, but his face remained neutral.

"I'm not a full-blood," was all he said.

You and Grim exchanged glances.

"So uh," Grim began, pointing a half-eaten drumstick at the soldier, "you gonna elaborate on that or...?"

"Grim," you reprimanded him, "give him a minute."

"No," Silver cut in, "it's okay. Since you're our Queen/Prince, it's only right to tell you. Master Lilia found me when I was a baby."

You blinked, not being able to invision such tenderness from such a disturbed man.

"He raised me alongside our Lord and Master Malleus and I played together. We got into all sorts of trouble until I reached puberty and I next I knew I was sent to boot camp to train as a soldier. Nothing much to it, really."

"That's it?" Grim said as he gave Silver an incredulous look, "that's all that happened?"

Silver sighed as he rubbed Grim's head, much to the monster's annoyance.

"I don't know how else to put it. My life isn't very interesting."

That just didn't sit right with you.

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