chapter 1

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Grain’s pov:

I hugged my legs close to my chest as the tears rolled down my face. BigB rubbed circles on my back until I calmed down enough to speak. “He wasn't supposed to see us… did you see how he looked at me!? He looked so hurt and betrayed yet there wasn’t a hint of anger” BigB sighed. “I know… that was the risk we took when we agreed to this. You think he’ll tell ren?” I shook my head. “I don’t know. If you trust him we can tell him about it. It won’t put him in any danger” BigB looked at me shocked. “I can tell him?!” I forced a smile and nodded. “Call him over and I'll explain” BigB smiled and closed his eyes. A small screen appeared in front of him. He typed in rendog and typed out his message” a few minutes later ren showed up. He seemed a bit confused that I was there. “Grian?” he said. Me and BigB looked at each other and nodded. “Ren… we have something to tell you. You might wanna sit down for this” ren and BigB sat down as BigB fidgeted with the ring placed on his finger. I closed my eyes and cleared my mind. I could feel my body morph. I opened my eyes but immediately shut them as I winced at the bright light. I placed my mask on my face and opened my other eyes.
Ren tensed up as his eyes widened. “Y-you’re a… watcher?” I nodded and returned to my normal form. “Now that you know I have to tell you the whole story. He nodded. I ran him down everything that had happened over the years. Evo, the watchers, hermitcraft, the life series. I left out YHS however. He didn’t say one word during the whole thing and only nodded his head. I got to the bit with me and BigB. “Now about me and BigB, once i found out the watchers were going to try to use scar to get me back i panicked. I ran to BigB for help and he offered a plan we’ve been following. I gave BigB a watcher ring so as to ‘claim’ him. This tells the watchers that me and BigB are married."
“I promise there is nothing going on between me and BigB but he’s the only person I could turn to. He knows watchers and what they can do so he can protect himself.” I paused and let him process what he had just heard. He looked back at me and laughed. “Me and BigB are just friends. So you're doing this to protect scar?” I nodded. “Can I ask you a favor?” Ren nodded “Scar saw us and for obvious reasons I couldn't tell him the actual reason. Can you comfort him for me? I doubt he would wanna see me right now…” sympathy spread across his face as guilt covered mine. He smiled and got up. “Of course.” he left and I sank back into myself. An idea popped into my head. If I bought a warden to the surface it could cause enough chaos to crash the server and send us back.

(time skip to trying to bring the warden up)

Shit, Shit, Shit! I ran up the steps as fast as I could. The warden's attack traveled through the stone and hit me. I screamed out in pain and I could feel blood start to drip from my ears. I was gonna die. I scrambled for my sword and brought my wrist up. “I'm sorry , scar” I couldn't hear my own voice. I mustered up the remaining strength I had and cut my soulmate string. I sighed a breath of relief and struggled to crawl up the stairs. I was struck once again as the warden took away the last bit of health I had left.
Scar’s pov:
Tears welled up in my eyes as I saw the love of my life giving our enemy a ring. Hurt and betrayal ran through me. Our eyes locked and he looked like he wanted… needed to say something but he looked to the ground. I couldn’t bear to stand there any longer so I left. I ran until I found myself back at our base. I entered my Jellie sanctuary and sat down. Tears streamed down my face as a million thoughts ran through my head. How could he do this to me, how could BigB do that to Ren, did I do something, was I not enough, why wasn’t I enough, what should’ve I done, what do I do now, does he hate me, should I hate him? I was snapped out of my trance when someone tapped my shoulder. I looked up to see ren. He smiled and sat down next to me. His eyes never met mine. “I know… about what happened.” I looked down. “Did i do something wrong, I don't get it… why wasn’t I enough?” he shook his head. “I know it’s confusing right now. Grains in a pickle but i can’t tell you much. But trust me when I say this, that man loves you entirely.”
I looked up at him and our eyes met. He smiled and patted my back. “Now, let me try some of those cookies.” my face lit up and i ran to our chest (monster). Me and Ren talked for a bit before he had to head back. I wasn’t ready to talk to grian yet so I went out for a ride on my horse. I stopped a little later, getting lost in thought. I was snapped out of it when I took a huge amount of damage. Confused and shocked, I started stuffing food in my mouth to regenerate my lost hearts… My eyes widened as tears flowed down my face. My string turned black and went limp. Before I could even react the message popped up… “Grian was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek” I saw the messages coming in but I couldn't focus on them at all. We were on red. Grian cut our string then died… Grian cut our string to save me. I sat there and I sobbed for what felt like hours. Eventually Ren found me and took me back to his and BigB’s base. I didn’t say a word to BigB, I was still upset with what he did to Ren although they seemed to act normal. I washed the dried tears off my face and changed into something more comfortable.

Word count:1903
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed :)
Hydrate and eat 🔪

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