chapter 5

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Pearl’s pov:
I was shocked. I felt hurt and betrayed and confused. My whole life has been a lie. The own god I worship said so. That's what he meant “keep a pure heart.” Was I gonna have to do that too? I stepped out from behind the door. Xedinar’s eyes widened. “Y-young one?! What are you doing here?!” I couldn't muster up anything to say. Instead I ignored him, placed on my mask, and jumped into the portal Xuela had opened. It closed behind me. I didn’t stick my landing but something cushioned me. I opened my eyes to see Two swords at my throat. “Wait! It’s okay, she’s okay!” I cocked an eyebrow, unsure of where Xuela’s voice was coming from. I looked down to see a mortal beneath me. I quickly got off and bowed. “Oh my Xuela! I’m so sorry!” He got up and dusted his pants. “It’s okay” Wait. That was Xuela’s voice. “Xuela?!” he sighed and nodded. The others looked at us confused. Xuela put his hand on my shoulder and spoked up. It was weird considering in this form he was much shorter than me. “This is pearl, she’s a student watcher.” they were all slightly hesitant.
Scar took a step forward and took my hand. “Nice to meet you pearl. You can call me scar.” he smiled at me and brought Gem towards me. Her hoofs clicked on the floor and she extended her hand towards mine. I took it and smiled. She returned the smile with her own. “Gem.” I nodded and looked at the other two. Xisuma was the first of the two to shake my hand. The other one was named Ren and shook my hand as well. “Umm Xuella, i’m assuming Watchers aren’t well liked here?” he cringed when I called his name. “Grian.” I looked at him confused. “My name is grian and no.” I nodded. He turned to Xisuma. “Wait, X. how did you know who i was?”

Scar’s pov:

He laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck. “Xuela is the god I worship?” It sounded more like a question than a statement. Pearl smiled. “Really?! Me as well.” his face lit up. “You don’t know how excited this makes me, I never get to talk to anyone about this!” Her smile grew. “Me either! He’s shunned by other watchers but every story I read about him is fascinating!” It was funny to see two just strangers fangirling about someone who was in the room with them. grian cleared his throat. “While I’m flattered we have more important matters.” He turned to me. “Scar, are you okay?” I nodded and smiled. “Yeah, just a little spooked. This is a lot of information to pro-" I paused. What Grian had said earlier had come back to me. He called me the love of his life. A bright red blush spread across my face. His hand reached up to my forehead. “Are you okay? You're burning up?” I quickly took his hand off my forehead. “Nope! No, yeah I'm okay! Is it just me or is it hot in here? Ren, you should open some windows! Actually I gotta go. My flowers need to be walked!" I rushed out the door. Once I got to my base I stopped. “What the hell was That?!”  I crouched down to the floor and placed my hands in my face. “UGGGHHH!”

Grains pov:


What was that? The room burst into laughter while Pearl I stood confused. “What was that?” Gem caught her breath. “Whew. That was the most painful and funny thing to watch. Pearl looked at me confused. “If he’s your bounded why was he so flustered?” we all looked at her confused and my face heated up a bit. “What do you mean bounded?” she hesitated. “Well… I heard your conversation in the capitol and you Referred to him as the love of your life so I assumed you two were bound." I could feel my face change from a rosy pink to a rosy red as the other’s jaws dropped. Gem looked at me. “You said what?!” I shook my head. “I-I was in the heat of the moment!” she smiled. “You're not denying it~!” I rolled my eyes.  I turned to Pearl. “You understand what your actions mean, right? You can’t go back now.” she nodded. “Alright, let's introduce you to the rest of the server but first” i moved my finger in a circular motion and pointed it at her. She cocked an eyebrow. “You just pointed to all of me?” I nodded. “Exactly. The more people that know we’re watchers the more people that are in danger. Right now it’s only X, Scar, Ren, and Gem that know and I'd like to keep it that way.”
she nodded and chanted a spell. It was a spell all watchers learned at a young age. It morphed you into a mortal form. She had soft white wings and a small feather tail. Her robes changed into jean shorts and a blue hoodie with stars on it. A small camel pin appeared in her hair. Gem noticed and blushed slightly as it matched hers. “Hey, you have a murder camel!!” Pearl looked at her confused. “Murder camel?” Gem laughed and made a pink hue crawl onto Pearl’s face. (their ship name is now officially murder camel and you can’t change my mind) I smiled, it was nice seeing them become friends so quickly. “Now, let's introduce you to the rest of the server.” I pulled out my communicator and messaged the group chat to meet up at the center of the shopping district.
Me, Pearl, and X all stood on a small platform as the other hermits gathered around. We could hear murmurs between everyone. X cleared his throat and everyone quieted down. “Please welcome our newest hermit. Pearlescent moon” she interrupted him. “You can just call me pearl.” Cleo raised her hand. “Where is she gonna stay?” impulse raised his hand when he saw gem’s pink hue when looking at Pearl. “I mean, Gem’s base has plenty of space right? She can stay there.” Gem glared at him and X spoke up. “Is that okay Gem?” she nodded. “Of course!” impulse received a punch in the arm. Everyone was excited to meet and talk to pearl. Eventually she got a little overwhelmed and Gem stepped in. “Sorry guys. I gotta get started on dinner and I want her to have time to settle in.” they all nodded and gave them a bit of space. Gem bent down and Pearl climbed onto her back. She wrapped her arms around Gem’s waist. (For context, Gem is half deer. So think centaurs but with a deer instead of a horse) “you ready?” Pearl nodded. They rode off to Gem's base.
I made a mental note to keep an eye on the two. I felt a weird protectiveness over Pearl. Almost like a sibling bond. I brushed it off and went to check on Scar. I knocked on his door. After a minute or two it opened to reveal a sleepy Scar. I giggled at his panic when he realized it was me. He came back a few minutes later properly dressed. “Sorry about that” I shook my head. “Scar, I've seen you half naked, you think that's gonna bother me?” his face flushed a bright red. We talked for a bit before we sat in silence. It was a nice and calming silence. Eventually Scar broke it and cleared his throat. “Back in the capitol… what you called me.” I looked away, ashamed. “Listen… I’m sorry. My mind was just in the heat of the moment…” he shook his head.
He then asked me something that was… unexpected to say the least. “But… you did mean it right?” I hesitated but nodded. I expected him to be angry or upset but instead he-

Work count:1329!
Haha! Cliff hanger. Hope you enjoyed this chapter ;p

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