chapter 7

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Doc's pov:

Scar told mumbo what happened between him and Grian. Mumbo said Grian needed space but I wasn’t buying it. There's no way Grian would just flat out reject Scar. ignoring Mumbo’s advice, I headed to Grian’s base. I knocked on the door. “Grian?” no answer. The door was unblocked, interesting. I opened the door. He wasn’t in his base but I saw a note on his desk. Curious, I picked it up and read it. “You're kidding… What kind of sick joke is this?!” I shouted aloud to no one but myself. “Okay. you can stop now! Come out Grian, I know this is a joke!” I called out knowing he wouldn’t respond. I raced to the middle of the shopping district. Everyone was gathered there and eating dinner. “GUYS!’ Everyone looked at me in shock and confusion. “It’s Grian!” this caught everyone's attention
Xisuma stood up. “What happened?!” I set the note on the table. “He ran away!” Everyone's eyes widened. Most were confused why he would run away, others were worried. I assumed they already knew why he would. Almost immediately people were out searching for Grian. We searched for days and found nothing. Scar had been searching for the past week without rest. None of us even knew the last time he ate something. Whenever we tried to talk to him he would run off searching again. I finally caught him as he was restocking on stuff to continue searching. “Scar!’ he turned around. His face physically hurt me. He hadn’t slept in days and his face was stained with dry tears. His hair was a mess and carelessly tossed into a bun.
“Hmm? Doc, do you need something? I’m kinda in a hurry to- "I cut him off, finishing his sentence for him. “To go look for Grian. I know. We all know. Listen, you're not the only one searching for Grian Scar. other people are too. You need to take a break. Get some rest and eat something, please.” He shook his head. “I can’t. Not until I know he’s safe. “ I sighed. I didn’t want to be the guilt tripping asshole but at this point it was the only way to get him to rest. “And how do you think Grian would feel about this? You think he would like you being in this condition?” he glared at me. “Leave him out of this Doc…” I knew I was hitting a sensitive spot. “This isn’t just about him. Think about us! You think we like seeing you like this? You think it doesn’t hurt us to see you just discard yourself while you wither away?!” I could feel pent up anger start to escape.
“You're not the only one Grian left Scar. you're not the only one who has to go through this. So stop being so DAMN SELFISH and take a fucking break! Let us help you asshole!” Both of us were stunned by my tone and words. I almost never raised my voice yet I had just yelled at Scar. An instant wave of guilt washed over me. “Scar… i didn’t mean to raise my voice, I-” he shook his head. “No, you're right. I’m sorry. I just…” tears started to form in his eyes. “I just feel like there must’ve been something I could've done.” Oh Scar… I pulled him into a tight hug. “It wasn’t your fault. It was Grian’s decision, a dumb decision, but his. All we can do now is take care of each other and go get 'em back okay. So you rest up, and when you get all better you can go look for him again. Okay?” he nodded before falling asleep.
The guilt he felt finally leaving him alone and letting him rest. I picked him up and took him to his bed. Pulling out my communicator, I messaged the group chat. “Scar is asleep, finally :)" I sighed. What are you doing Grian…

Pearl’s pov:

It made me happy and sad to see how much these people cared about Grian. Gem walked in. “hey pearl… how you holding up?” I sighed. I’d spent the last week trying to connect with Grian to locate him. I shook my head. “Nothing… sorry.” it was now her turn to shake her head. “You have nothing to be sorry for. Thank you for everything you're doing.” She handed me a bowl of mushroom soup. “I’m not sure what watchers eat but grian eats normal food so i hope this will do” i laughed. “Normally mortal emotion but food works as well” she frowned. “Does it harm people when you feed off their negative emotion?” I looked at her confused.
“No. And we can feed off of any emotion. Anger, joy, fear, excitement, sorrow, and love. But negative emotions do fill us the most.” she nodded. “I’ve only ever tasted positive emotion till now. I hope it doesn’t bother you all that i’ve been using y’all’s negative emotions to use my powers…" I felt guilty but she gave me a reassuring smile. “I mean, you're doing it to help Grian so I can't really be mad at that. Besides, it’s not like it magnifies the emotions right.” I nodded. She ate her own soup as I finished mine. A sharp pain shot through my head. “ARGH” My hands clasped the sides of my head, the pain almost unbearable. Gem started to panic. “Wait, what's wrong!? Are you okay!?” Oh no… “They're coming. The watchers are coming. they've declared war…”
Everyone spent the next few days preparing for war, the search for Grian had to be put on delay or there would be no one to search for him. I spent the whole time desperately trying to reach out to Grian. If there was any time we needed him it would be now. Eventually I gave up, not knowing if my message reached him or not. Gem told me about other people that would help. I opened a portal and brought them here, explaining the situation with Grian. They agree to help. There was Joel and Lizzie, a married and strong couple. Jimmy, a half canary hybrid, scott, surprisingly good at strategizing and a vampire.  Martin, who is a half german shepherd hybrid (i did this as a reference to secret life [which hasn’t happened in my timeline yet] because i thought it made sense and listeners aren’t a thing in my AU). And BigB, who knows almost everything about watchers. All we could do now was hope.

Word count:1089

Someone is dying next chapter :) guess who in the comments.

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