Chapter 10

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Joel’’s pov:

Over the past few months Etho had been visiting a lot. Most of the time he just stood off to the side and watched me build. I looked down to find he was here again. “Hey Etho” he waved and leaned against the building he was standing by. Something caught his attention off to the side. I took this opportunity to surprise him. I jumped to the roof of the building he was by and then onto a lamp post. He looked back to where I was, confused to not see me. I flipped upside down, hanging on the post with my legs so I was face to face with him. His eyes widened and he took a step back. I smiled. “So how come you're so obsessed with me?”
Though it was hard to tell since half of his face was covered with his mask, you could see a soft blush creep onto his face. I laughed. “No need to be embarrassed about it. I know I'm awesome," I joked. I swung my body to sit upright however I gathered a little too much momentum. I fell from the lamp post into etho’s arms. He had caught me. He laughed. “What are you laughing at?” “you're so small, I knew you were short but damn” I gasped. “How dare you! I’m average height.” he laughed again. “Sure you are.” His voice was deep but soft, I blushed slightly. “Can you put me down now?” he raised an eyebrow before realizing he was still holding me. He set me down, apologizing.
I took a break from building and went on a walk with Etho. “You never did answer my question, Etho.” he looked at me confused. “What question?” I rolled my eyes. “Why your’e so obsessed with me~” he blushed slightly. “Well, you're smart, charming, skilled, funny, even though you act tough you're really caring, you're great with the younger hermits, and you can make light of anything.” I froze dead in my tracks, my face bright red. I wasn’t expecting an actual answer. He turned around when he noticed I wasn't following him. He raised an eyebrow. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking and it made me even more nervous. He walked up to me and brought his hand up to his mask. He leaned forward and pulled down his mask. “Is Mr.Flirt flustered~?”
His grin was intimidating yet charming. A long scar was drawn across his mouth. And his lips looked so soft. I spoke before thinking. “Holy shit, I wanna kiss you so bad right now.” his eyes widened and his smile faded. What did I just say?! I regained my composure and tried to play it off as playful flirting. “That okay?” He took a step back and pulled his mask back up, his face bright red. I hadn’t realized I was holding my breath till I choked on the absence of air in my lungs. Etho cleared his throat. “I gotta go, talk to you later!” he threw an ender pearl quickly disappearing. I stood there for a while before moving again. What was that?! I sighed and walked back to my base. I could think about it at home.
Once I got home I called Cleo over. She knew Etho best so maybe she could help. A few minutes later I heard a knock on my door. Cleo smiled when I opened the door. “So, how can I help?” I moved over to let her in and closed the door. “It’s about Etho” she turned to look at me and smirked. “We were doing our normal playful flirting till I asked him why he was obsessed with me. It was a joke but he gave an honest answer. I got flustered and he took off his mask a-” she stopped me. “He took off his mask?!” I nodded, confused why she was so shocked. “You two used to be married, I'm sure you’ve seen his face plenty of times.” she shook her head. “We were married for 10 years and the only time I’ve ever seen his face was on our wedding day”
I was shocked. I felt butterflies form in my stomach as I realized how lucky I was. “He must really like you,” I smiled. “You think so?” she nodded. “You should go to him." I nodded and got up. “Thanks cleo!” she smiled. I headed to Etho’s place, confident. When Etho opened the door all my confidence left. He was in sweatpants and a tank top. His hair was pulled back into a bun. He shifted slightly. “Mind if I come in?” he shook his head and stepped aside, making room. I slipped past him. “Thanks,” he nodded. I smirked. “So I'm charming ay?” I joked, seeing how he would react.
He put his hand on the wall, past me, and leaned closer. “You wanna do this again?” His voice was slightly muffled behind the mask but I could hear him clearly. I was extremely nervous but I wasn't going to back down. I tugged on his mask a little, not pulling it off but motioning him to. “I think I do~” he was hesitant. Like he was deciding if he should actually do something or if it was still playful flirting. I fully took his mask off, not breaking eye contact. A shiver ran down my spine as I felt his breath against my face. If I wasn’t so red myself, I'd tease him for how much he was blushing.
I took advantage of his hesitancy to take in every detail of his face. If I thought I was a pretty boy, I was wrong. Etho was the definition of pretty boy, yet still handsome. His eyes were like pools of blood with thousands of rubies in them. I cringed at my own sappy thoughts. Etho’s face softened and I could tell he was thinking similar thoughts. I was about to ask if he was okay before being cut off by his lips. The kiss was soft and sweet. My back was pressed against the wall but not in an uncomfortable way. He pulled away, letting me catch my breath. “You're surprisingly good at this.” he looked slightly offended. “Surprisingly?” I laughed. “Aww did i hurt your ego?” He rolled his eyes and reconnected our lips.
Not long after we went to the living room to watch a movie. He laid on top of me and I draped a blanket over us. About halfway through the movie, I caught him staring at me. I raised an eyebrow. “Something wrong?” he shook his head. He started to say something but hesitated. “Would it be weird if I kissed your neck?” I laughed. He sounded more curious than asking for permission. “I don’t think so, you can try it.” I turned my head back to the TV for two reasons. One, so I could continue watching the movie. And two, so he had easier access to my neck. His lips met my neck making me squirm a bit. He stopped and looked at me. “You okay?” I nodded. “Yeah just let me get used to it.” he nodded and continued. After a few minutes of squirming due to the ticklish feeling, I got used to it. It actually felt quite nice. “Hmm, i like this” he laughed, making the ticklish feeling return.
Out of reflex my head tilted, blocking Etho. ““What are you laughing at?” “are people usually this casual about it?” I shrugged. “It’s neck kisses, they're just like normal kisses” he smiled and rested his head on my chest.

If you have a request for a ship for a chapter please tell. E. The next one will be along one with gempearl but I'll gladly take requests.

Love ya!

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