chapter 12.5

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(That's right! I pulled a .5 chapter. I wanted to finish their anniversary.)

Scar's pov:

I woke up early the next morning. I wanted to set up a cute picnic before we headed back. I made some simple fruit kabobs, though I accidentally stabbed my fingers more times I'm willing to share. Let's shut sag my fingers hurt. Anyway, I started on a few different variations on sandwiches. I poured a bad of sunflower seeds into the dandelion syrup stress gave us. Once they were all in I closed the jar and set it out In the scolding desert. It would have to sit for another 30 minutes before it was ready.

The 30 minutes passed quickly as I filled the time setting up other things. I focused on making sure I looked nice. I pulled my hair into a small bun and cleaned the scars covering my face. Turning to the shulker box I brought, I picked out a simple oufit. Pants (or trousers as gri likes to say), a button up with ruffled hand cuffs, and a simple corset belt for a finishing touch. I turned to the mirror and smiled, happy with my appearance.

I checked the clock and went out to grab the honey and sunflower seeds. After carefully straining the seeds out I set them on a towel and left them outside to roast. "Whatcha doing?" I nearly jumped out of my skin as grian hugged me from behind. "OH! Oh, morning love" I felt grian place on my chest. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." I chuckled and turned around, crouching to give his a soft peck on the lips. "It's fine gri. Go get ready, I have a surprise for you." He smiled a gave me a kiss back before plopping down next to his shulker box, looking for a certain oufit.

Grians pov:

My hands were quite literally shaking. I was so nervous, what if he said no? I shook my head pushing those thought down. I slipped on my usual red sweater. Scar looked back. "You sure your not gonna be hot in that?" He asked. "I have a T under if I do" He nodded. He went outside to check on something. I pulled a small box out and opened it. Vines wrapped around a rosy silver, gravitating towards a emerald in the center. Steps could be heard coming back. I quickly closed and shoved the box into my pocket.

I joined Scar at the entrance of the building. I felt underdressed next to Scar. He always dressed so nicely. He turned to me. "You look gorgeous love" I chuckled. "I look the same I do everyday." He shook his head and smiled. "I see no difference in the two things. You look gorgeous everyday no matter what." I smiled as a red flush rose to my face. "Thank you Scar. Now, what's this surprise you have " His face lit up. He grabbed a big basket and took my wrist, leading me back to the lamma and plopping me on top effortlessly.

He led me outside the desert and into a flower feild. And set his basket down and took out a large red and white pladed blanket. "Oh Scar, this is adorable" He smiled. I sat down across from him as he set out different foods from the basket. "Did you make all this?" He nodded "I'm impressed" his face lit up. An hour had passed. We had eaten most of out food and Scar was staring into the distance. I cleared my throat. "Scar come stand with me" Scar was snapped out his trance

He smiled and stood up, standing right in front of me. I took a deep breath and took his hand in mine. "Since the first day we met in season 6 my heart was set on you. No matter what side we were on you always were there for me. Through our ups and downs. No matter what I did you never stopped loving me. You saved me from a horrid prison. And for hat I will forever be grateful to you." I could see tears form in the corner of his eyes. I smiled and kneeled down onto one knee.

"Scar, will you make me the happiest hermit and marry me?"

Scar fell to his knees and hugged me. "Yes, if course!" He started laughing as tears streamed down his face. I slipped the ring onto his finger. It fit nicely, as if meant to be. He chuckled. "Why are you laughing?" I asked, now giggling myself. He pulled out a ring and slid it onto my finger. "I guess I didn't have to be nervous about you saying no." We burst into laughter as we held each other in a tight embrace. And with that it was time to head home. The trip back was short since this time we took our elytra back. We decided to keep the engagement a secret for now. However. Scar wanted to tell Cub. We landed in front of his base.

A sudden nervousness came over me. What if Cub didn't approve? Should I have asked for his blessing before proposing. Scar seemed to notice and squeezed my hand. "Don't worry." I nodded and nbrought. Up my hand, knocking on his door. Shuffling could be heard from the other side before Cub opened the door. "Oh, hello! Welcome back. Come in" He sat down on his couch. We followed, sitting on the opposite side.

"So, what's up?"

Cub asked. I took a deep breath. "We're keeping it a secret for now but Scar wanted to tell you." I looked at Scar. He smiled and put his arm around my waist before looking back at Cub. "We're engaged." Cub smiled and set his cup of tea down. "Congratulations you two! You deserve it after all you've been through." I smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. Scar's face lit up. "Thank you Cub" He nodded. "Of course. Would you two like something to eat?" I nodded. He disappeared into the kitchen. I sighed and rested my head on scars shoulder, my hand in his. He was smiling, playing with my ring. "I love you" "I love you too"

(Guys help! I'm having writers block and I have no idea what to write. Pls give suggestions) Stay hydrated!

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