Chapter 9

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(I changed my mind. Joel never crossed over to help fight :p you’ll understand in a sec, also i won't be writing a lot of angst from now on)
Warning: a tiny bit of gore? Nothing descriptive

Grian’s pov:
I jerked up as my eyes shot open. An open plains. I looked around to see everyone passed out around a pool of lava. They were all still injured. I felt a tap on my shoulder and jumped up, readying myself to fight. Two men backed away. One was wearing a suit, the sleeves ripped to reveal muscular arms covered in tiny scars. The other one was wearing simple pants and a shirt with a brown vest over it. He had a green stripe running down the center of his bangs. “Wow! Calm down, we aren’t gonna hurt you. My name is Joel and this is Skizz.” he gestured to the other one. He peeked behind me and frowned. “You and your friends look like you could use some help.” hesitantly, I nodded.
They smiled and observed the group. They brushed past me to Scar and Wels as they were the most injured, especially Scar. he was covered in wounds and his arm… his left arm was gone. I couldn’t even bear to look at it. A knot formed in my stomach, the sight made me want to vomit. Not because of the image but because the image was on Scar. ignoring it, i woke up Xisuma and cub and explained the situation. We started helping everyone else and telling them what had happened. Once everyone was awake, besides Scar. Skizz and Joel took us to Joel’s small city. I sat at Scar’s side the second he was placed in a bed. I never left. Others went out to collect resources but I refused to leave till he woke up. Etho and Joel had seemed to take a liking to each other and Skizz and impulse had become quick friends.
Cleo walked in and sat beside me. “Have you eaten yet?” I shook my head, still looking at Scar. she sighed and got up. After a few minutes she came back with some bread. She handed me the loaf and I gratefully ate it. “I think we both know Scar wouldn’t like to see you like this.” I nodded. “I know, but I can't help but feel bad.” she shook her head and pulled me into a hug. “None of this is your fault, he chose to fight.” Now it was my turn to shake my head. “That's not what I was talking about. Cleo he… he confessed and I rejected him. I told him it could never work out.” she raised an eyebrow. “But don’t you like him?” I nodded which made her even more confused. “Then why did you tell him no?” I sighed.
“Everyone who gets too close to me gets hurt… if it wasn’t for Joel and Skizz he would’ve died!” a frown spread across her face. “That's not true. Everyone who got hurt knew that was the rink getting close yet they chose to anyway. You know why? Cause it wasn’t your fault. You never made them hurt us.” I nodded knowing she was right. I gave her a soft smile and she returned it with her own. “Thanks ‘mom’” she smiled at the nickname. Scar shifted, catching my attention. “Scar?” he groaned as he pushed himself up, sitting. “Ugh…” he opened his eyes. “Grian?” I smiled as tears rolled down my face. I pulled him into a gentle embrace. Scar smiled and hugged me back.
Cleo stood up. “I’ll give you two some space” she smiled. Scar nodded and returned her smile. He turned to me and ruffled my hair. “You okay?” I nodded. “I should be asking you that” I said as I gestured to where his left arm should’ve been. He laughed. “I still have my right” he raised his right arm and I sighed. I leaned my head on his chest. He was hesitant at first before running his fingers through my hair. I looked up at him and he frowned. “I’m sorry.” I raised an eyebrow, confused. “When I kissed you. I didn’t even ask and I'm sorry. It was wrong to do that without your consent” he cupped my face in his hand. I blushed as he softly smiled at me. “So I'll do this properly this time. May I kiss you?” (remember people, consent is sexy)
The question sounded unreal. His eyes were full of love and compassion. “Yes, you may,” I answered. He leaned in and pressed his lips on mine. He was gentle and his lips were soft. It was a kiss of pure love. He pulled away and stared at me, scanning my face for a reaction. I smiled and leaned into his hand, closing my eyes. He pulled me into a hug. “I love you” “i love you too” we quickly drifted to sleep.

Cleo’s pov:

I smiled seeing them fall asleep in each other's arms. I left, running into Etho quite literally. He was pulled out of his thoughts and turned around. “Cleo?” He helped me up. “Hey Etho, thanks. Whatcha ya looking at.” I looked past him to see Joel working on another building. “oh? “ I looked back at Etho and smirked. I took his hand and dragged him over to joel. “Hey Joel!” He looked down at me. He smiled and jumped down. “Cleo was it?” he said as he extended his hand out. I took it and nodded. His eyes met the ring on my finger. He paused before looking to see a matching one on Etho’s hand. “Oh! You're married…?” I laughed and shook my head. “Divorced actually. We kept the rings cause we’re still friends and there was no use throwing them away” his face seemed to soften. “Ah, I see.” “Well, I have to go find Bdubs. By Etho.” I left him alone with Joel.
I walked around a bit, searching for my actual son. I spotted Bdubs and approached him. “Hey Bdubs!” he turned around and smiled before running into my arms. “Hey mom!” impulse smirked at Gem. a red flush came to her face. “That was an accident! I’m not calling you dad!” (NOT A SHIP, Impulse is Gem’s father figure) “why not? You already did it once.” She shook her head. “On accident.” Pearl teleported right next to Gem, making her jump out of her skin. “ACK!” This surprised Pearl, causing her to jump as well. Impulse found this quite amusing, as did Bdubs.

Next chapter is gonna be a SmallEtho chapter!

Love ya!

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