Chapter 11

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Gem’s pov:

When we got to the new world me and pearl built separate bases to settle in. I was by the river near Magic Mountain. It was lonely without her living with me like before. Sure grian was my neighbor but Scar had kidnapped him to take a break and stop fishing. A sigh escaped my lips as I reeled in yet another fish. Fishing helped distract me from thinking about her and pass time, yet today she was all I could think about. To distract myself I thought about why some people slightly changed when we got here. For example, me. I wasn’t a deer centar anymore. Pear still had her dove features though. I groaned as I flopped onto my back. Even when trying to distract myself from her I just thought of her more!
This crush is starting to get annoying. I was snapped out of my thoughts when something tugged on my fishing rod. It was strong. I stood up and tried my best to reel in whatever I had caught but it was too strong. I was flung into the water but I didn't let go of my fishing rod. Something pulled me up to the surface and to the shore. My lungs struggled for air as I coughed up the water that I had swallowed. My eyes opened to be met with Pearl’s face. “Pearl?” My gaze shifted to the rest of her. Instead of legs she had a large salmon tail as well as scales on various parts of her torso. A bright red blush rose to my face as I realized scales were the only thing covering her up.
I shot up, covering my eyes. “I’ll be right back with clothes” I ran into my house and grabbed the first outfit I found. I came back and handed the pair of clothes to her. She happily accepted and stepped out into the water. Her scales disappeared and her tail changed back into her legs. I turned to face my house as she got changed. “Done, thanks for the clothes!’ I nodded and turned back around. “So wanna explain why you were a fish?” “I’m not sure. It just kinda happens when I go into water” I nodded and shifted onto my other foot. “Well, since you're here you wanna hang out?” Her face lit up. “I would love to” his smile made my heart flutter. The butterflies in my stomach made me Nauseous. I pushed the feeling aside.
She paused. “I still have a package to deliver, wanna tag along?” I smiled. “Of course, we can take the Camel.” We rode the camel all the way to Scar’s place. He wasn’t there which made me curious but I tossed the thought aside. On our way back a sharp pain pierced my head. I screamed out in pain as my hands rushed to my head, gripping it, hoping to relieve what little pain it could. Visions flashed through my mind. They flashed by too fast for me to see them all. A cherry grove. Pearls and me on a camel? Impulse? The visions left just as quick as they came. When I opened my eyes I was on the floor, my hands gripping my hair, and Pearl saying something to me.
I could see her mouth moving but couldn’t understand a word she was saying. I sat up as my hearing slowly returned. “Are you okay?!” I nodded. “Yeah sorry… just a bad migraine I guess.” She seemed worried as she scanned my body, looking for any injuries. “Are you sure? We should take you to Zedaph "I shook my head, quickly regretting it as I was returned to a dizzy state. I closed my eyes and put a hand up letting the spell disperse. “No, I'm fine. I promise” though she seemed unconvinced she left it alone. “Maybe we should walk the rest of the way.” I agreed, not wanting to relive that experience. Once we returned she took me up to my room. She laid me down on my bed and went downstairs to grab a thermometer.
“Pearl, I promise I'm fine. This is unnecessary” she shook her head and brought her finger to my lips, shushing me. ”You fell off a camel and weren’t responding to me for a solid 2 minutes due to pain overstimulation. “I raised an eyebrow. “Pain over-what?” she ignored my question and gently grabbed my chin, propping my mouth open. I rolled my eyes and lifted my tongue. She smiled and set the thermometer on the bottom of my mouth. After a minute or so she took it out and checked the temperature. “No fever. Are you still feeling any pain in your head?”  I shook my head. “No. I told you, i’m fine”
She plopped down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. She turned to me to say something before I cut her off. “I said I'm fine. Trust me, if I was still in pain I'd tell you.” she nodded. “What do you wanna do now?” I shrugged. I was about to make a suggestion before her stomach answered the question. A giggle escaped my lips not long before hers. “Hungry?” she nodded, the embarrassed flush leaving her face. “Alright, I'll make something.” I stood up and hopped down the stairs, skipping a step here and there. She followed close behind me, tailing me. (pun intended)
A frown painted my face as I realized I didn't have much to make. I turned to her. “You okay with bread and jam?” she smiled and nodded.  I breathed a sigh of relief unsure why I had just felt the sudden insecurity. I was almost never insecure. I pushed the questions to the back of my head and set pearl’s and my plate on the table by the window. I smiled as she happily indulged in the bread not long before I did mine. Halfway through I looked up to find her staring at me. When she realized I was looking at her as well she quickly looked back down at her bread, her face burning bright red. The sight brought a chuckle from me.
I decided to take my turn, staring at her. Observing how the sun illuminated her eyes in a way that made them seem as if they were glowing. How the scattered freckles on her face made up mini constellations. How her soft hair draped over her face, framing it perfectly. How her wings twitched at every sound as if dancing to nature's music. How even now she seemed to give off a purple hue. How her pale skin had a natural blush always brightening her expressions. She truly was beautiful. She looked up at me. I smiled at her, her natural blush changing from a rosy pink to a soft red. “You really are beautiful”
She smiled and laughed awkwardly. “Thanks , you're very pretty as well.” I smiled. “Thank you!” We finished our small snack and headed outside. “Where do you think Scar and Grian went?” She shrugged. “Not sure, it's their 1 year anniversary so they probably went out” She nodded and flopped down onto the ground, her hair sprawling across the grass.  She was beautiful. I flopped down next to her and sighed. This crush really was getting annoying.

Comment what ship I should do next!

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