chapter 6

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Scar's pov:

He meant it? I could feel my body moving before my mind even had time to think. My lips pressed against his in a gentle kiss. When I pulled away I was shocked at what I had just done. My hands flew to my mouth. "Oh my god! I am SO sorry! I don't know why I just did that!" His mouth was left slightly open and his eyes were just as wide as mine. The red blush that covered his face had spread to his ears. "Y-you just- My- wha-?!?!?!?" I giggled at his reaction. "there's my answer." I smiled, got up, and left.

Grian's pov:

I sat there for about a solid 20 minutes before my brain even started to process what had just happened. Once I started, I ran immediately to Mumbo. He was the only person I could trust to not tease me about this. I made three loud knocks on his door. I could hear shuffling coming up to the door. The door opened. "Oh, hello grian! Can I help you?" he smiled. "Scar kissed me" his smile quickly morphed into shock. If his jaw wasn't attached it would be on the floor. "He what?!" I nodded. "I accidentally called him the love of my life in front of him. When he asked me about it I told him I meant it and then he kissed me and told me that was his answer." his shock changed to confusion. "Isn't that a good thing?" I shook my head. "No! I mean yes?! Uggggh. It's both. It was great but I just sat there like an idiot." He took a deep breath to suppress a laugh.
"Mumbo! This is serious. Besides, I can't be with him... everyone who gets too close gets hurt..." he frowned. He was the only one who knew what happened at YHS. he pulled me into a hug. "I'm sure if any dangers come his way you can protect him. Besides, you're not alone, Grian. You have us." I forced a smile but Mumbo didn't understand how much danger it would put Scar in. I could face 1-2 watchers, maybe even 5 but I can't protect them from a whole army. "Thanks Mumbo" he nodded and smiled. "Any time my friend." my communicator buzzed. "It's from Scar, he wants to meet up... to talk about earlier." Mumbo patted me on the back. "You got this!" I gave him a faint smile and headed out.
Scar's face lit up when he saw me. Grian!" I waved. "Hey Scar..." he sat down and motioned me to as well. I sat down across from him. "Scar-" I started but Scar put up a hand to stop me. "Just let me get all this out please." I nodded. "Listen, it's clear we both have feelings for each other. I know a lot has happened in such a short period of time and it's completely fine if you're not ready for this. But I love you Grian, I want to be with you." i wanted to tell him that I loved him too, that I wanted to be with him too, but I couldn't bring myself to. All I could see was the watchers getting him again and killing him. "Scar... we can't" he placed a hand on my shoulder. "Grian, nothing has to change, i promise you your worth the wait"
I shrugged his hand off my shoulder. He frowned. "No, we can't. Not now, not ever... I'm sorry." I could see the pain painted on his face. "Why not?" The sadness in his voice broke me. "You don't understand. All I do is get the people I care about hurt, or worse killed..." he frowned "hey... that's not true. You saved me, remember? We're in this together. And I can protect myself." It hurts. It hurt so much to see him like this. I could tell he was hurting too but... "Not against an army of gods! Not even I can protect you from that... I'm sorry, Scar. Don't wait for me." I turned around and left. I could feel tears streaming down my face. I walked for who knows how long. Eventually I made it back to my base. I sat down at my desk and placed my face in my hands. Why did he have to make this so hard for me...
Ignoring every nerve in my body telling me to stop, I pulled out a piece of paper and started writing. I started explaining everything, Including YHS. I signed the paper and at the end I wrote "I'm sorry for leaving so suddenly. Every moment spent with you all has been a miracle. Take care of eachother for me. -pesky bird, Grian." I packed everything I would need in a shelter box and left. I flew far away, where I knew no one would find me.

Word count:818

HA! You thought chu was getting all scarian fluff? No! Grian angst <3

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