Chapter 1.

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Part 1: Brother


Guildford CastleGuildford, England

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Guildford Castle
Guildford, England

January 1st, 1533

Two dark haired siblings sat in front of each other, it was New Years day and Brandon siblings were together after a long time. It was nearly impossible for them to be together during some festivities, because Charles usually spend those days at court with the King. But this year was different. And after fourteen days Madeline finally found out why.

"Seriously? Couldn't you find someone else to warm your bed than Buckingham's daughter?" Asked Madeline, amusement clear in her dark brown eyes what she had after her mother as she peeked over the yellow cards in her small hand.

"Perhaps his sister," Added Madeline

"First, he doesn't have sister," Retorted Charles, his lips curved upwards in his thypical mischievous grin, "And second, she wanted it."

"Did she say that? That she wanted it?" Asked Madeline, because she knew that Buckingham was an idiot and was capable to say that Charles did rape his daughter and she didn't even want to think what would happen after.

"Yes, she did, Maddie," Hummed Charles and rubbed his chin with his long fingers.

On that Madeline did not say anything, she was glad to hear that. Her brother was ladies man and loved every woman as much as he could, after all he was King's best friend and that alone pulled women towards him and that he was not bad looking was just some plus.

Young brunette glanced down at the cards in her hand, she folded them together and placesd them face down on dark cherry wood table. She couldn't help herself and think about Buckingham's daughter. Of course, it was her choice to be with man who wasn't her husband, but still.

"Little Maddie," Spoke up Charles suddenly as he could see all those thoughts form behind her dark eyes.

Madeline glanced up at her brother to see his worried expression, before he spoke up again, "Does that offend you? That your brother did something like that?"

"Offend me? Why? It was not me who lost virtue," Told him Madeline honestly.

" Don't worry your pretty little head about it," Smiled at her Charles, " You've met Buckingham, you know he deserves it, " He added without care.

"I must worry about it, Charles. It was not Buckingham who comes bad out of this," Shook her head Madeline at her brother in disbelief.

"How would you react if it was me? Hmm? You men expect way too much from us, but nothing back," Folded her arms Madeline angrily.

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