Chapter 72.

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Part 72. : Dutiful princess



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March 17th, 1537
Hampton Court

7 months pregnant

February came and went and March with its spring blooming came and captured whole Hampton Court in it's beauty. Fields of narcissus flowers decorated large gardens around the palace and large Higan cherry trees made Madeline breathless.

For Madeline was this warmer weather better, with her rather large bump she was glad to put coats aside and be able to walk as much as was possible. One of the physicians suggested for Madeline to walk a lot to help her to get into a better shape before giving a birth.

With constant reminder of upcoming labor was Madeline getting more and more nervous, and no matter how much Henry was tried to be there for her and support his young wife. It was not helping.

So, young Queen was glad for every peaceful moment she got and those moments she had with her stepdaughter, Princess Elizabeth.

Madeline stood with small Princess in the Royal nursery and had to smile as she placed the gold embroidery bedding down, waiting for Elizabeth to get her into the bed. It was their small ritual before sleeping.

"How much longer until the baby is here?" Asked the small Princess as she got off of her rocking horse what she got from her father last birthday.

"Two more months, little one. The baby is still growing and needs some more time before greeting his big sister," Smiled Madeline at blonde haired girl as she grabbed one of the heavy blankets and placed it in the small bed.

"But I want the baby to come now," Whined little Princess impatiently and at that moment Madeline could see her best friend Anne in that small girls features, with that small whining. Madeline raised an eyebrow at her stepdaughter amused.

"Elizabeth, dear, what did we said about whining?" Asked her Madeline and small girl huffed, before turning back to her stepmother.

"That is is not very princess like, even Mary says that," Said Elizabeth and Madeline smiled proudly as she placed hand on her bump, caressing it gently.

"That is correct," Spoke up Madeline proudly, "Now, is time for a quick lesson," She added young Queen as a maid brought in a pile of white blankets.

"I am ready, M," Hummed Elizabeth, even when she did not want practice her Latin before the bed, she knew her stepmother was not asking, but ordering.

Madeline couldn't help, but smile at the small girl before she took the blankets into her hands and slowly, she began folding them to her liking.

"What color is our flag?" Asked Madeline in her perfect Latin.

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