Chapter 43.

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Part 43. : Secret clause



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After leaving Jane back in the throne room where she went to go speak with Christopher, Madeline went to go find her husband filling him in on what Catherine's ex Lady-in-waiting had told her and Jane as the two walked into their chambers.

"A secret clause?" Sebastian questioned with an confused expression on his face, but not that surprised especially knowing what people at Spanish court were like.

"This is exactly the sort of trick that court will pull," Hummed Sebastian.

Madeline closed the door behind them as she walked further into their room as she recalled, flipping through the pages of the contract before she sighed out her name.

"Well, the contract went on forever, page after page. Some were even in Latin," Sebastian clenched his jaw as he couldn't believe how low everything around them have gone. He couldn't believe that they were trying to force Madeline to give him heir or she would lose everything. Especially since Madeline was carrying their first child.

"Well, I'm sure it was well hidden. I'm going to go to Catherine and demand to know if it is true and what the hell she and Charles think they are doing," Snapped Sebastian, getting more angry more he thought about it.

"They think they are getting insurance. In case I'm not cooperative in everything they want. If I don't provide an heir," Madeline trailed off with a knowing look on her face as Sebastian turned his head with a worried look on his face.

"Then there's a sword hanging over you. If you are not on them, then they will kill you and gain everything what is yours," Finished Sebastian what his wife was saying.

Madeline moved around their chambers, so she was standing directly in front of Sebastian who placed his hands on her stomach, rubbing his hands against the small bump what was hidden under her sparkling dress.

"If they can not use me while I'm alive, they will use me dead," Hummed Madeline sadly.

Sebastian removed his hands as he was about to leave the room, but Madeline's voice stopped him, "Sebastian, don't tell it to anyone, just not yet. I don't want anyone to know what we know. We must find out if Molly was telling the truth or if she just concocted a story to get herself out of Spain."

"We need to get that contract. It is the only way to confirm what Molly said is true," Sebastian stated taking a seat next to Madeline who was sat down on the couch, causing Madeline to raise her brows as she stared at her husband.

"Well, where does the Emperor keep his important papers?" Questioned Madeline.

Sebastian squinted his eyes slightly with a thoughtful expression, before his eyes lit up in recognition, "In his chambers, mostly. The guards are unlikely to let you or me in without a good reason."

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