Chapter 52.

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Part 52. : Goodbye



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"We need to get ready."

That was the first thing what Madeline said, nearly after twenty four hours since she lost her newborn daughter. Her Dahlia.

Usually happy palace, which was filled with music and laughter, was now filled with grief and sadness. Everyone loved Sebastian and new that he died at the battlefield hit everyone hard. And news about Madeline's early labor, hit them once again. That she lost her child, made everyone cry. Even the last maid in the kitchen.

Everyone loved them. Everyone was grieving with Madeline and her broken heart.

Madeline was dressed in all black with a black veil over her swollen face. Her maid didn't dare to say a word and Jane stayed in the room on the other side of the partition.

The brunette's dress was as black as her heart. The heart that lost a child and husband in one day. And when Madeline looked at herself in the mirror, she didn't understand herself. She didn't know how was she still standing.

It was the worst day in her whole life. And deep down she knew that it could never be worse.

Madeline didn't know who she did miss more. If her husband. Or her daughter, who she didn't even had to chance to know.

The brunette haired woman knew that Sebastian loved Dahlia, maybe even more than herself, and he was excited to be father. He couldn't wait to hold their daughter. Neither of them had good influences, but Sebastian wanted to take those and use them to be a good parent. And Madeline was just so ready to be a mother.


The courtyard was filled with people dressed in black, hiding her faces to hide weakness. All of them turning to look at Madeline. All of them wanting to be there for Madeline, but none of them knew what to say. None of them knew how to act towards young widow.

Jane was supporting Madeline by holding her shaking hand tightly as they walked up towards the two black and gold coffins. One big and one way smaller. That small that no coffin should be.

Madeline's knees were shaking, but she was not crying. She had to be strong in front of the people. In her chambers she could be heartbroken, crying and screaming. But not in front of the people.

Madeline looked up at the dark sky, it looked like it will begin raining soon, She struggled to say something as she made her way towards the big coffin and placed her gloved hand into the black wood, before leaning down to kiss it.

"I will always love you," Whispered Madeline, tone of her voice shaking as she caressed her husband's coffin and watched how they rode away from her with the two most important people she would never see again.

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