Chapter 35.

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Part 35: Til Death Do Us Part



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Everyone was gathered around in the throne room as Charles had some news to share and needed Madeline's, Jane's and Catherine's presence in the throne room.

"A messenger has arrived with news about health of English King Henry. He woke up, but other health care is unsure," Told them all Charles.

Both English ladies's eyes widened in pure shock and slight relief, deep down Madeline wished for Henry's health. She did not wish any bad to him, even when he forgot about her and death was the last thing she wanted for him.

Madeline share an anxious look with her best friend and brother.

"And has he been able to name is successor?" Curiously questioned Jane, shooting one quick glance to Madeline.

Charles shook his head in disagreement and commented, "His heath doesn't let him to decide such a things. Waking up is only one step to successful recovery and he still can die."

"We all must get ready for the worst. We will risk everything if we don't act now. Now when England is weakened. Mary Tudor is ready to become the Queen of England," Continued on Charles, not caring that Madeline's brother was Henry's best friend and he would definitely report everything what was said to him as soon as he will be back in England.

"One of you," Charles spoke up once again, pointing with his index finger between Madeline and Jane, "Will be wed tonight."

"These women are their own persons. They can take their own lives into their own hands, Charles. They had enough bully from us," Suddenly snapped Isabella from Charles's side. It was clear that the Empress of Spain had enough of her own husband and his moods.


The English ladies made their way back towards Madeline's chambers when Eleanor walked into the room, causing Jane to turn to her.

"Have you found Madeline's brother? We need him now, more than ever," Frantically asked Jane.

Eleanor had an apologetic look on her face and told them, "They said he's with the Emperor."

"Trying to get more information out of Charles. That's clear. Before either of us is married to anyone," Madeline sarcastically commented as Eleanor glance between the two.

"But which one of you is going to get married? Have you spoken with Enrique?" Curiously asked Eleanor.

Jane frowned, shaking her head in response as she opened her mouth to answer, when the sound of someone's knocking on the door interrupted the three women as Catherine walked in, sending a look to Eleanor.

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