Chapter 22.

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Part 22: Why Spanish men should be different?



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Same day when Elena confessed to her feelings to Sebastian, Madeline in the other part of the palace returned to the harvest festival, making her way over to Jane as she watched as Enrique stormed away with a frustrated look on his already grim face.

"What was that all about?" Madeline asked, raising her brows at her best friend.

"Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry about it," Jane assured brunette, placing a smile on her face as she soun around to face her best friend, who sent her a suspicious look.

"Really, everything is fine, it's just a spat. I will speak with him later," Told her Jane and small blush formed in her nicely tanned cheeks.

The two English women continued making a small talk telling one another about their worries when suddenly a familiar voice called out for them.

"Madeline!" Called out Eleanor, making both of them turn, seeing black haired woman to rush over to them.

"What happened? Why is Elena staying?" Asked brunette haired woman Eleanor.

"She's not," The brunette haired woman resorted with a frown on her face, glancing at her blonde friend and Eleanor with a look of pure confusion on her face, because Sebastian had sworn that Elena wouldn't be staying there at the palace for much longer, especially since all it's complicated her relationship with him.

Eleanor tilted her head to the side with a puzzled look and informed confused brunette, "But her belongings were recovered from the woods and they are being unpacked in the east wing."

Madeline frowned, looking down at the ground, feeling her heart beat rapidly against her ribcage, wondering why Elena was staying when she had told Sebastian she doesn't feel comfortable around his ex lover and he promised he would sort everything out.

"You must be mistaken. They must be preparing her for her trip to Madrid," Jane spoke up, holding her best friend's hand giving it squeez in attempt to comfort her, but Madeline wasn't sure what to believe anymore as ever since Elana had come to court everything had gone down hill for her.

Eleanor shook her head in response as she glanced at Madeline in sympathy, knowing this was going to hurt brunette haired woman.

"A servant told my servant and she told me. I will inquire again. Discreetly," Eleanor spoke up, seeing the look on Madeline's face, placing her hand on her arm, before spinning around and making her way through the crowd of people.

Madeline took a deep breath, before grabbing Jane's wine from her hand and taking a large gulp when Catherine made her way towards them.

"Looks like not everything is filled with sun. Isn't it sad?" Harshly spoke up Catherine, causing two English women to share a look, knowing exactly what was late English Queen trying to do.

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