Chapter 69.

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Part 69. : Always in danger



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(AN: New book request! Open to any idea!)

January 20th, 1537
Hampton Court

It was only one day before the new Emperor of German would arrive when Madeline found herself at super awkward dinner. Dinner with her husband and Mary Howard.

Madeline was uncomfortable many times in her life, but this was one of the most uncomfortable dinner in her whole life. Mary's longing looks towards Henry were slowly digging hole into Madeline's heart and when she had enough, she said that she was tired and left.

Being the third wheel in her husband's and his Maîtresse-en-titre's look was uncomfortable, awkward and disgusting. And she hated it.

One of Madeline's ladies, her best friend, Jane Seymour, offered to stay to attend to Mary. Even though Mary had her own Ladies, but Henry allowed it as Madeline had no issues with dismissing one her her ladies for one evening.

Henry did notice how his wife's friend was acting. She seemed to be attending him rather than Mary, filling up his goblet, several times her hand accidentally or purposely brushed against his own.

Whenever he glanced over at the blonde haired woman, a flush of blush danced across her pale cheeks, her innocent façade becoming rather boring in Henry's eyes. And her attempts to get his attention even more.

Mary's eyes darted between Henry and Jane Seymour, hiding a smirk as Henry seemed to be rather annoyed with Jane's attempt of gaining any kind of attention from the King himself.

Mary cleared her throat and slowly took ahold of Henry's hand, trying to ignore new ring what he wore. Wedding ring.

It was time to remind Henry why he choose her as his Maîtresse-en-titre.

"Henry," Whispered Mary softly, gaining the King's full attention.

"It has been months since you last time visited my bed," Began to say Mary carefully, not wanting to anger the King.

Henry almost choked on his wife at Mary's words. He had been focused on everything but Mary and anything what was happening around her and her annoying family. And now, with Madeline pregnant he did not feel the need to visit Mary at all.

"Would you like to visit my lonely and warm bed?" Mary's tone of voice was a soft, welcoming sound to Henry's ears. He nodded his head eagerly as a smile danced across Mary's features.

Mary dared to sneak a peek at Jane Seymour, the Seymour girl had a look of fury upon her pale face as she once again failed to get any attention from the King. In Mary's eyes Jane was not exactly beautiful. She was rather plain looking against the rest of the eligible noble ladies in the English court. She would never stand out in the French court, even with help of expensive fabric and rich make up.

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