Chapter 46.

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Part 46. : Prisoner



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Sebastian, who was currently in the courtyard with his, once again, best friend Enrique, who was currently training with swords in their hands as the two of them kept swinging at one another and also blocking each other's attacks when Sebastian stumbled slightly on his feet taking a deep breath as he turned around to face Enrique with an apologetic look.

"Sorry, I'm a bit spent," Apologized blonde haired man.

"You are hundred of miles away," Enrique muttered handing his sword over towards a servant, before he turned back to face his best friend with a knowing look on his face.

"England, I'm guessing?" He asked with a raised brows as he and his best friend began to make their way back towards the palace.

"Some dire news brought by Jane's brother, Edward," Hummed Enrique.

Sebastian huffed as he nodded his head in confirmation letting out a sigh as he made eye contact with his best friend and told him, "He's trying to convince Madeline that she is needed in England, right now. And you know my wife and her best friend's are like. Whoever one of them go, the other follow. From the moment that I started to fall for her, this is what I feared the most. That, someday, the needs of people who we care about would tear us apart."

"Wouldn't have mattered, except you married for love," Enrique stated with a shrug of his shoulders, but Sebastian shook his head at his words as he continued speaking to his friend about his troubles he is recently having with Madeline, because both of their people were in danger, but from different reasons.

"I wanted to believe that we can push past these problems, work together," Tried to explain Sebastian.

Enrique frowned in confusion as he knew how much his best friend loves Madeline and knew that deep down they will get through in, because he is never seen anyone love each other as much as Sebastian and Madeline love one another. At times he is jealous of his best friend who got to marry the woman he loves and will spend the rest of his life with while he was forced to Charles's sister.

"And can not you?" He inquired staring at his friend awaiting for an answer.

"Mostly, yes. But what happens when being a good Captain means being a bad husband?" Sebastian questioned as he suddenly stopped walking to face his friend who grinned in amusement at the fact Sebastian was asking for advice regarding his love life as well as the needs of his people.

"That's simple, be a bad Captain," Said Enrique casually.

Sebastian nodded his head letting out a small chuckle as he raised his brows and stated, "That's why Jane wanted to marry you? Isn't it?"

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