Chapter 50.

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Chapter 50. : Someone kidnapped someone



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September 28th, 1535

7 months pregnant

Madeline was walking down the palace halls with her blonde haired best friend when Jane frowned staring at brunette with a look of concern on her face.

"We missed you at breakfast. It is not healthy to spend so much time alone. Especially in your condition," Declared Jane with sad smile on her face.

The brunette haired woman sighed out heavily running her hand over her rather large bump and apologized, "I know. I'm sorry. I'm just worried about Sebastian."

"I know, you two partdd on not the best terms," Jane trailed off with a sympathetic look on her face, knowing that this stress wasn't any good for the baby, seeing as her best friend was nearly full term.

Madeline interrupted her best friend scoffing in disbelief at the thought of her husband actions, narrowing her eyes at the blonde haired woman and stated, "He took men meant for your family's protection to save Spanish soldiers. I know that he had to. Thousands of Spanish men would of die otherwise."

"Do all married couples have these struggles?" Madeline asked unsure.

Jane laughed in amused as she placed her hand on Madeline's arm in attempt to comfort her and softly told her, "You are asking the wrong person, but I do think that you redefined marital discord."

The two young women giggled quietly with one another when they came to a stop at the sight of a Spanish guard speaking to one of the servants only for Madeline smile to fade when she made eye contact with the guard who bowed his head at the two English ladies, before walking away.

"Madeline, what is it?" Jane curiously questioned with a look of worry on her face as she noticed the expression on her tired face and the way Madeline smile immediately faded.

"My God, everytime I see him, I want to gouge his eyes out," Madeline hissed quietly glaring at the man until he was out of sight only for Jane to frown in confusion, staring at her best friend having no idea who the man was.

"What on earth? Who is he?" Inquired Jane.

Madeline opened her mouth to reply when she was rudely interrupted by a messenger making his way towards the two of them with a letter in his hand offering it to Madeline.

"Your highness, pardon my intrusion, but there is an urgent letter for you," He spoke up.

Madeline furrowed her eyebrows as she read the letter before her eyes widened folding the letter back up as she took Jane's hand dragging her towards great hall where she knew Catherine would probably be only she was in the middle of an conversation with her friends only for older raven haired woman to place a fake smile on her face as she introduced the two English ladies to her friend.

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