Chapter 71.

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Part 71. : Someone else



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When Madeline came back with Mary to Hampton Court, and told Henry everything about what happened with Catherine, he said he will make sure to deal with his ex wife and also informed Madeline that they would have a final banquet to say goodbye to Ferdinand and Anne, before they leave tomorrow morning.

Madeline held onto Ferdinand's arm as the double doors opened to the banquet hall and the four of them walked inside. Everyone immediately bowed to them lowly, when they walked past them before they made their way to their respectful thrones.

The brunette haired Queen broke apart from Roman Emperor as everyone clapped for them.

"Thank you all for the warm welcomes that you have extend to our Holy Roman Emperor. Tomorrow morning they will begin their journey back home," Henry began his speech and it made Madeline smile.

"It has been wonderful getting to know all of you and we hope you have enjoyed your stay here, in England. As much as we have enjoyed you here," Madeline added into Henry's speech and everyone cheered up before she turned and sat down into her throne. Taking a deep breath.

"Are you tired, my Queen?" Henry asked as a table was brought to them and soon after that servants brought the plates with food. Madeline's favorite, roasted duck and sweet potatoes.

"No, no, my King. Just the baby is kicking a lot in there. With only three months left I believe the baby is getting impatient in there. He already wants to meet his father," Smiled Madeline as she said that and watched how Henry placed his hand on her bump gently.

"I thought the same with my first child and prayed to give birth early. The baby ended up dying two days after that," Anne spoke up suddenly and Madeline froze as she looked over at Ferdinand who was speaking with his mistress, as if his wife was not there.

It was sad. And Madeline knew how did ginger haired woman was feeling. Because everytime when Mary Howard was around she was expecting moment like that, moment when her husband will turn to his mistress and ignore her existence.

"Stress can cause miscarriage and stillborns. The physician told me and Henry that, at the beginning of my pregnancy," Spoke up Madeline, earning Ferdinand to turn to them curiously.

"Is that true?" Asked Ferdinand curiously.

"Yes, it is. That is why Madeline has been very relaxed during her pregnancy. I deal with all problems and everything what could stress her out. We cannot afford to lose the next King of England," Henry said and Madeline was so happy that he decided to back her up and support her like that.

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