Chapter 48.

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Part 48. : Help



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Madeline was in the middle of reading letters she has received from English Lords about Seymour's situation, when Sebastian walked into their room and smiled sadly at his wife, who stopped what she was doing as she placed her quill onto the table.

"No one? Not one household or Lord offers help. Seymour's aren't enough important to them to put their son's into the danger. Enemies are screaming for their heads and no one cares," Mumbled out Madeline in pure frustration at the hopeless situation they were in.

Sebastian had a sympathetic look on his face as he made his way around the room, walking over towards where his wife was sitting and informed her, "Seymours have many friends at court, but every conversation I have with a noble or diplomat ends the same way. 'We are with you, Sebastian. But what does the Emperor says?'"

Madeline's eyes widened at his words, a look of amusement illuminating on her features as she stared at her husband.

"I hope you did not lett them," She told him sarcastically, not even trying to hide smirk what formed on her face.

"Maddie, I should never have let Charles..." Sebastian trailed off with a dejected look on his tired and unhealthy pale face as he turned to face the floor, before turning his attention back to Madeline with a shameful look who sent him a small smile and softly take his hand in hers, giving it a small squeeze.

"Words don't bother me," She assured him in a low whisper.

Sebastian sighed out once again with a determined look on his face as he assured his wife, "You, our child and Jane, are safe in this palace. Not even Catherine..."

"Threats don't bother me, either. Losing, that is what bothers me," Madeline corrected Sebastian who's eyes widened in shock as he shook his head in disbelief.

"Maddie, that's silly. You are..." He breathed out and his words made her to roll her eyes in frustration.

"A powerful? Yes, I am. Thanks to you. Nobody respect me and you know that, better than anyone. Only because of our marriage they let me speak, but it still doesn't matter much. Jane counted on me that I will help, but I don't know how to help her and her family. I am the one married to the most powerful man in the whole Spain," She spoke up and stopped in the middle of sentences as she realized something.

"I have very powerful uncle," Madeline breathed out in a low whisper.

Sebastian frown deepened in confusion and concern as he stared at his wife wondering what she was planning to do to save Jane's family.

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