Chapter 38.

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Part 38: Mission Seduction



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"I'm not going," Called out Isabella as she walked across the pathway towards the palace, away from Madeline who frowned with an confused expression on her face as she followed after raven haired Empress.

"Well, what do you mean? You are not going? You have to," Curiously questioned Madeline.

After the three women returned to court, Madeline had spend most of her time locked in her chambers with her husband, knowing she didn't want to get involved with Isabella's drama and now even Mary of Hungry drama.

Of course, nobody but the three of them knew the truth about what happened between Christopher and Isabella and the raven haired woman wanted to keep it that way until she figures things out as she knew that being pregnant without being intimately involved with her husband was bad, bad, bad.

"How can I attend a feast when I can barely look at food?" Isabella scoffed as she raised her perfectly made brows at Madeline, who held an understanding look on her face as she felt exactly same. She herself couldn't stand being in a room full of food without throwing up, but she sighed as she sent a pointed look to Isabella.

"First Light isn't about food. It's about men. Suitors. If a man offers a women candle or shows his intention to court her and if she accepts," Madeline informed her friend softly, giving her a small comforting smile.

Madeline began to trail off, causing Isabella to interrupt the English lady as she chuckled lightly in amusement and finished, "She lights it in her window, I know. And I know, I have to secude my own husband before anyone realizes that I'm pregnant. And that I'm not sharing the same bed as my husband. I don't want to be seen as Empress who had bastard. I am well aware of that."

The two women were walking through the fresh snow when Madeline suddenly came to a halt as she turned her attention to Portuguese woman.

"I may have an idea. At court many men would do anything for at least a bit of your attention and as every man, Charles will get jealous if he sees that you give you attention to someone else than him," Shared Madeline with her friend, making raven haired woman to raise her brows in shock that someone so kind and nice like Madeline could be also cunning.

"You think it could work?" Curiously asked Isabella.

"Yes, I think it could actually work. All men get jealous when they see other man talk with their woman and don't tell me that Charles is different than other men," Madeline smirked at her friend, shrugging her shoulders casually as Isabella sighed out.

"Is Sebastian..." Trailed off Isabella curiously. And there wasn't even need to finish question, Madeline exactly knew what she wanted to ask her.

"Of course, he is," Agreed Madeline with smile forming on her face.

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