Chapter 44.

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Part 44.: Englishman on Spanish court



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Later on that evening, the throne room was fully decorated with lit up long candles, various entertainments and musicians playing music. The people of Spain had arrived at the party that Madeline and Sebastian had organized, dresses in their fine clothes and the most beautiful gowns that they could get in such a short time, chatting and dancing scattered all around the packed throne room.

Madeline smiled brightly, greeting the guests trying her hardest to stay away from the servants serving food, as the sight of it made her feel sick due to her hormones and could only just about keep it down. Madeline knew it is going to last probably a couple of weeks as morning sickness doesn't last long, but she also didn't want her friends or her husband smoothing her especially since Jane found out about her best friend being pregnant she hasn't left her side. Never for long.

Catherine made her way over to Madeline with a look of pure annoyance on her face, watching Madeline chuckle at the drunk men laughing and dancing around.

"Did you have to invite quite do many... Englishmen?" Catherine questioned with a look of passionate disgust on her face as her pale blue eyes scanned around the party, causing Madeline to raise her brows with an amused smile on her lips.

"Diplomacy. You may not miss English people, but I sometimes do. And my husband is enough kind to let me invite them into the palace," Replied Madeline, smile not leaving her lips.

"I don't suppose you have seen my Lady Molly around, have you? She seems to have disappeared," Catholic questioned, looking around the throne room for the young red haired girl who seeked out here help, causing her to place a fake look of confusion on her face as she shook her head.

"No," Madeline mutter.

Catherine raised her brows at younger woman, not believing a word Madeline was saying as she narrowed her brows at the brunette haired woman in front of her.

"Oh, because someone said they saw her speaking with you. My Ladies can be quiete temperamental sometimes. They are like disgruntled servants who get turned out for breaking the crockery. They blame their mistress and carry lying tales," Informed her Catherine.

"She only said she was sorry for spilling her drink on me, but I will best your warning in mind if I ever have a conversation with her," Madeline smiled kindly, letting out a small sigh as she excused herself from older woman, walking away towards her husband, placing her hand on his arm.

"If she finds out, if she's even suspicious, she could do anything," Madeline whispered into Sebastian's ear.

Madeline placed her hand against her mouth trying to contact her giggles when a English man accidentally knocked into Catherine, causing her to send him a nasty glare.

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