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The RV drives down the street coming to a stop in front of a house. Sasha and Aaron walks up looking up to the driver's side window.

Ian: Get Olivia. She should inventory what we have. We'll meet her at the pantry.

Aaron nods and walks away

Sasha: You have food?

Ian: Yeah.

Vivian walks around the front heading towards the house.

Carol: Ian, what's going on?

Ian: We're gonna have to fight.

The RV drives away leaving Carol standing on the side of the street alone.


Everyone is gathered in the church. The camera pans across Vivian, Annabelle, and Jenna as Rick and Ian talks to the community.

Rick: And we can work with the Hilltop. Maggie hammered out a deal. We're getting food----eggs, butter, fresh vegetables.

Ian: But they're not giving it away. These Saviors, they almost killed me on the road.

The camera pans around showing Gabriel and Grady sitting in one of the pews.

Ian: Now sooner or later, they would've found us just like those Wolves did. Just like Jesus did.

Rick: They would have killed someone or some of us. Then they would try to own us. And we would try to stop them. But by then, in that kind of fight, low on food, we could lose

Brian sits down beside Lyla as they listen intently.

Ian: This is the only way to be sure, as sure as we can get, that we win. We have to win.

Rick: We do this for the Hilltop, it's how we keep this place

Jesus is sitting down near Rick and Ian.

Rick: It's how we feed this place.

Ian: This needs to be a group decision. If anybody objects, here's your chance to say your piece.

No one says anything as Ian looks around the church. They all turn as Morgan stands up

Morgan: You're sure we can do it? We can beat them?

Vivian: I'll kill Negan myself if I have to

Rick: What this group has done, what we've learned, what we've become, all of us----yes, we're sure.

Morgan: Then all we have to do is just tell them that.

Ian: They don't compromise, Morgan.

Morgan: This isn't a compromise, Ian. It's a choice you give them. It's a way out for them and for us.

Rick: We try and talk to the Saviors, we give up our advantage, our safety. No, we have to come for them before they come for us.

Ian: We can't leave them alive.

Morgan: Where there's life, there's possibility.

Vivian: Of them hitting us.

Morgan: We're not trapped in this. None of you are trapped in this.

Grady looks down clutching his cross necklace around his neck.

Rick: Morgan........they always come back.

Morgan: Come back when they're dead too.

Ian: We'll stop them. We have before.

Morgan: I'm not talking about the walkers.

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