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I got off the airplane and adjusted my backpack onto one shoulder, I looked down at my phone to see the text from Paige, 5 minutes ago, saying they were waiting here for me.

There was no sign of any Craig family members so I walked over to the luggage and waited for my suitcase to come out. I spotted the white suitcase with a pink bow on it then quickly grabbed it and dragged it behind me while looking all around for the Craig's.

"Where are you?" I asked when Paige answered her phone
"What do you mean, we're at your gate?" Paige said and I looked all around again.
"No you aren't."
"Gate 2A?" She asked and I groaned, "2C." I corrected her.
"Dammit. Give us 5 minutes, you stay right there." She said and I laughed while hanging up.

I was texting my mom and saying that my flight landed when I looked up after hearing a little girl's voice, sure enough it was Lennon. "Hey babe!" I yelled and she recognized my voice then made eye contact and came sprinting towards me. "Presleyyyy!" She said while I picked her up and gave her a huge hug, "I missed you Lennon." I said and re-adjusted her to my side, "missed you more." She added with a giggle.

Christian came walking over with his arm in a sling, "you got surgery?" I asked and he nodded, "when are you cleared?" "May 21 is the last day of physical therapy." He said with a sigh and I frowned because it's only March which meant he's missing about a month and a half of his supercross racing season.

"Here I'll take your suitcase." Christian offered and rolled my suitcase as Paige carried Madden and Jagger followed on the other side of Lennon and I. We finally left the airport parking lot after getting the kids situated with the car seats and my luggage in the trunk.

We got to the house and Paige unbuckled the kids while I went upstairs and started unpacking my suitcase and backpack from my trip to California. Last week was spring break for me and so my parents decided to surprise me with a ticket to fly to San Diego- my hometown and where they are currently living. So everyday last week, I got to spend time with my real family and catch up with some old friends but I was really looking forwards to come back here to Tallahassee, Florida and get back in my normal life.

There was a knock on the door, "hey I know your unpacking but do you wanna go to the beach with us? You don't have to but I'm gonna take the 2 little ones while Christian takes Jagger down to the track for a few laps of practice." Paige offered and I smiled, "I'll go with you guys." I said and she smiled then left.

I put on my pink bikini then slipped jean shorts on and flip flops, I grabbed my phone then went into Lennon's room. "I want this one to match you!" She held up her pink bikini, "yes ma'am." I said and helped her get dressed then packed a beach bag for her and Madden.

We went downstairs and Paige was all ready while carrying Madden, "ok we'll be back after dinner babe." She said then walked over to Christian and gave him a kiss, "be safe, have fun!" Christian told us then we waved goodbye and walked outside to Paige's car.

We drove to Carrabelle Beach which was about a hour and ten minutes away from our house but with Paige driving, it's like 50 minutes. I turned around and saw that both kids were asleep in their car seats thankfully, "so how'd you like your trip?" Paige asked, "it was good, I saw a lot of my old friends from high school- a good thing by the way." I said and she nodded. "How's your mom doing?" "She's been sober for 9 months now!" "Awee I'm proud of her, your dad still with her?" She asked and I nodded. "Yup and Dyson is still with his girlfriend from back when you guys lived around there." "Really?" "Surprising right?"

"Okay we're here!" Paige announced as she parked the car, I saw Lennon close her eyes when I looked in the rear view mirror and I laughed to myself. "Lennon cmon girly." I gently shook her as she pretended to wake up, she was taking forever so I ended up just carrying her as Paige carried the beach bag and Madden. She locked the car then we walked onto the sand as the sun was beaming down right on us.

"Presley come in the water with me!" Lennon grabbed my hand while I was laying a towel down for Madden, "put sunscreen on you first." Paige said and handed me the bottle, I sprayed her face and her body then she gagged and yelled at the taste.

"Okay let's go!" We raced out to the water and I let Lennon win otherwise she would probably cry, I held her hand as we walked further and further out to the ocean until Lennon couldn't stand anymore, "help!" I picked her up as we kept walking, "is a shark gonna eat me Presley?" "Yes, he's gonna take a big chunk out of your leg." I said and squeezed her leg, she screamed as I laughed and she frowned. "Meanie!"

I walked towards the shore so that Lennon could stand up and play in the water, I squatted down and played with her. "I'm gonna get ya!" She started to run away so I chased her for a little ways until she looked back at me while still running and boom, she fell down after hitting someone and she pouted. "Owwwie!" Lennon yelled as I quickly caught up, a guy helped me stand up and make sure she was ok.

"I'm so sorry about that." I apologized while picking up Lennon as she rubbed her forehead, "nah it's ok, you sure you're fine?" The guy asked with an accent and Lennon lifted her head up then smiled. "Haiden!" She yelled then reached her arms towards him, he smiled them grabbed Lennon from my arms. "Hey!"

"I didn't even recognize ya, you've gotten so big!" He said as she giggled, "where's your mommy?" The guy asked and Lennon pointed to the beach in the direction Paige was. "This is my sissy though." Lennon added and mentioned me while I smiled, "hey I'm Haiden." He introduced himself and I shook his hand, then I realized that this was Haiden Deegan.

"Hi I'm Presley, I'm like the Craig's nanny." I said and he nodded while setting Lennon on the ground, "yeah I've heard about you." Haiden added and I sorta blushed then shook it off, "come see Mommy and Madden!" She grabbed Haiden's hand and dragged him the opposite way, back towards Paige.

Haiden looked over at me and cleared his throat, "Christian had surgery last week right?" He asked and I nodded, "how's he doing?" "Well I haven't been here to see but as of today he was doing well." I said and Haiden nodded. "That's good, it's his what, third elbow surgery?" I laughed, "something crazy like that."

We saw Madden playing in the sand while Paige was looking down at her phone, "mommy!" Lennon went running towards the blanket and Paige looked up. "Oh you found Haid!" She said and Lennon grinned. I sat down on the blanket and put Madden on my lap, his blonde hair was all crazy from the ocean air and his face had sand all over it. "What are you doin' here?" Paige asked Haiden, "I was supposed to meet Hunter here for dinner but he hasn't shown up yet." He explained and she nodded. "You could eat with us!" Lennon said and she looked at Paige with a grin, "invite your sister too." Haiden nodded while texting his sister and inviting her to dinner. "She'll be here in 20 minutes." "Okay perfect!"

"Now let's go!" Lennon jumped up then pushed Madden off my lap which made him cry, Paige got a phone call just then so I was the one dealing with a crying baby. Lennon was dragging Haiden back out to the water so I brought Madden along and he stopped crying.

"Have you been with them for a long time?" Haiden mentioned the kids and I shrugged, "about 6 months." He nodded. "And it's a lot." I joked and Lennon frowned. "So do you have another job?" He asked while dunking Lennon underwater, she came up giggling and begging him to do it again. "Umm no, I basically just live with the Craig's and Paige pays for everything I do so this is kinda my job in a way." He nodded.

Madden fell asleep in my arms so we walked back to Paige, "Hailie's here." Haiden said and we got dried off then walked downtown to the restaurant for dinner.

I sat across from Haiden at dinner and kept looking at him, not too bad looking...kinda cute.

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