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I got back to the house with the littles and Paige was putting something in the fridge, "oh perfect timing, I just doordashed açaí bowls for dinner." She said and I smirked while unbuckling Madden and he went running to the dog.

"Did the stroller hold up?" Paige asked and I nodded, "yeah, now my profession is building strollers." I joke, "great now go fix the double stroller." She said and I looked at her with a frown. "Yeah dad will do that." I referred to Christian and she nodded.

Speaking of dad, Christian and Jagger came walking through the front door, "we're back!" Jagger announced to the whole house then ran over to pet Harley. "Good doggie." He said while the big dog sat.

Paige took all the açaí bowls out and set them at each of our spots on the kitchen island, "how was your day babe?" She asked and gave Christian a kiss while grabbing spoons, "yuck mommy!" Lennon yelled and I laughed as she sat next to me and gagged. "Jagger was rippin' it out there on the baby track." Christian said and I agreed. "It's not the baby track, it's the junior track dad." Jagger rolled his eyes.

"I see you got the stroller built." Christian nodded to the piece in the entryway and I nodded, "yes dad I did." He smiled at me, "now fix my arm too please." He joked then took some pain meds for it.

Tomorrow was Friday which was press day but we weren't worried about that at all due to Christian's elbow and his surgery, he won't be able to race for a little while so our weekends have so far been a lot less stressful than a normal supercross weekend. "Let's vote, who wants to go to Press Day tomorrow?" Paige asked, Lennon and Jagger raised their hands and then she looked at me, "wanna go?" "Sure."

"Okay then, tomorrow we'll leave for press day around 7 since Daytona is about 4ish hours away, plus we can be late to this one without getting in trouble." Paige explained and I nodded while Christian was already snoring in his recliner with Madden also sleeping in his arms. I laughed and took a picture.

I went up to my room changed into a black t-shirt and light blue spandex, I filled up my water bottle then went in to the living room, "see ya guys, I'm going to the gym." Lennon and Jagger waved goodbye while Paige told me to be safe on the roads. I got in my Jeep and drove to the gym about 10 minutes away.

Some of my friends were there working out and I smiled at them but went into my own corner to do my own thing. Tonight I was focusing on arms, my weakest point so I looked around to see if there was a guy that was able to spot me during bench press.

"Hey you need a spotter?" Someone with a familiar voice asked from behind, I turned around and saw Haiden Deegan standing there, smiling at me. I smiled back at him without even realizing, "yeah thanks." I said and got set up for bench press. "How many are you doing?" He asked, "8 of 'em, 125lbs." "Presley cmon you're stronger than that." Haiden said with a reassuring tone. "Fine." I replied and he nodded.

Haiden kept telling me to do another and I ended up doing 9 reps but he added more weight. "No I cannot do that." I said and he smirked, "I bet you can." "How many?" I asked and he shrugged while standing behind me. "Any day now Pres." Haiden said and the way he said my nickname made me get butterflies... 

   "Good job Pres!" Haiden gave me a high-five after I did 12 reps of 135lbs on bench press, it was time for chest press next and Haiden kindly carried over the 50lb dumbells over to my statin. "Why thank you." I said and he smiled, "okay cmon Pres." He said again and I couldn't help but blush and he noticed then paused, "why'd you get all red?" "Becauseeee" "because of me?" He joked and I nodded, "yes." I replied.

A little more than a hour passed and I was becoming dead and tired from laughing too much. "Well you need to go home and sleep, you've got press day tomorrow." I reminded Haiden and he nodded, "yes ma'am, are you going?" He asked and I nodded. "Good." I smiled as Haiden walked me to my car to make sure I was safe. "You're gonna need to text me to make sure you got home safe Presley." Haiden said with a smirk and I blushed so hard but thankfully it was dark outside, "okay then Haiden." I took his phone and entered my phone number and he smiled then saved it. "Goodnight Presley." "See ya tomorrow."

I drove home safely then waited for Haiden to text me because I didn't get his number.

Random number: you should have made it home by now eh?

Me: yes Haiden, I just walked through the doors
and did not get kidnapped thankfully

Haiden: I am so proud of you Presley!
(that was sarcasm)

Me: why thank you, now I am going to shower

Haiden liked my text as I walked up the stairs to shower, everybody else was asleep so I took a long shower to relax my arm muscles and hopefully make me tired.

   I put an oversized hoodie and spandex on then went back to my room and Lennon was standing there, "what are you doing?" I asked and looked at the time, it was 11pm. "Presley I'm scared." She said as her voice was shaking and I saw a tear roll down her cheek, "what's wrong?" The thunder boomed outside my window and Lennon came running to my arms and I held her close. "I don't like it, make it stop." She cried as her whole body was shaking, "Lenn, you're fine babe, it's just thunder outside, not gonna hurt you."

   She looked at me with tear-stained eyes and frowned, "can I sleep with you?" She asked and I nodded, she went down the hall to grab her blanket then more thunder boomed and she came running back.

"Goodnight Presey." Lennon said as she laid down next to me, I gave her a kiss on the forehead and shut my main light off and kept the blue leds on. I stayed up for another hour while Haiden and I were texting back and forth, I sent a picture of Lennon beside me.

Haiden: hopefully she doesn't wet the bed while sleeping

Me: only you would think of that happening

Haiden: hey I'm offended

Me: while you're talking about sleep, shouldn't you go to bed?
I mean don't you have to be up early for press day?

Haiden: yeah but talking to you is worth staying up

I don't know what way he meant that while typing it, but he was willing to lose sleep and not function tomorrow rather than putting his phone down and not talk to me. That right there is a weakness of mine.

Me: did you just admit I'm worth your time?

Haiden: maybe I'm going to bed 😂

Me: that's rude.

Haiden: kidding but you need to go to bed too, aren't
you also going to press day tomorrow?

Me: yes sir I am but I've gotta make sure Lennon
survives throughout the night

Haiden: haha okay I need sleep, see ya in the morning Pres

I caught myself blushing at his goodnight text and then Lennon randomly jumped which freaked me out but she stayed asleep so I liked Haiden's text then put my phone down and decided to get some sleep.


I'm bacckkk. Sorry about not updating, I was in Seattle for Supercross last
weekend and I'm trying to catch up on all that sleep I've lost over spring break.

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