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   I was reading some texts I got when all of this sudden, Jagger stood up then stared at the track and tapped my leg, "uh oh..." he mentioned the track and I quickly looked up from my phone to see that there was a red flag was waving which was pretty rare to happen during a qualifying session...

  After looking a little closer at the track, I noticed that it was a blue bike on the edge of the track, where the cement was- with the yellow numbers on the front being 38.

"Oh no that's Haiden!" Lennon yelled from the row behind me as I kept watching and my heart sank just hearing his name and and accident being in the same sentence.

The red flag went down and the flag guy brought up the medical flag so this meant serious stuff, "hey cmon guys," I said and held Lennon's hand while Jagger was on the other side of me as we walked to the pits where Haiden's mom and dad were.

   "Hey I was just coming to ask you, what happened!" Marissa's voice was shaking so I'm guessing she saw what had happened on tv, I made Jagger explain because I really wasn't sure what had happened.

Brian got on Hudson's little pit bike and quickly rode off to the track while I stayed with the kids and Marissa. "It's qualifying- he didn't need to be pushing that hard, I mean yeah it's for gate pick but geez." She added and I laughed at that while all the fans were crowded around the Yamaha area, asking how Haiden's doing or what happened. Jagger spotted and pointed to the medical razor, "there he is!" Everyone looked in that direction and sure enough, Haiden was walking into the medical trailer slowly.

Marissa mentioned for us to follow her over so we did, Haiden was sitting on the table while the medical guy was testing him for different things and asking if anything hurt. "My head is spinning." Haiden kept repeating and I looked at Brian who had a half smile, "yeah, it's a racing for tonight but tomorrow he can get back on the bike as long as he's comfortable." The guy said and Marissa frowned then hugged her son. "My head is spinning." Haiden repeated while looking at me and I giggled.

We walked back to the Yamaha area and we all told Haiden bye then avoided the fans and made it to Husqvarna. Christian and Malcom were on the track currently for 450 class A qualifying while RJ was talking with his mechanic about his bike. "Hey what happened to Haiden out there?" RJ asked, "he has a concussion." Jagger said and I nodded while explaining further, "well he flipped over the bars and landed straight on his head and wasn't able to get up so that's why they medical flagged." I said and RJ frowned, "poor kid, he was doing good out there." He apologized and I agreed. "Poor Haiden." Lennon added.

The rest of the qualifying finished and there was 20 minutes until autographs started so I snuck away from Husqvarna and walked over to Yamaha by myself. Marissa nodded to the trailer and I smiled because she read my mind, "hey Deegs, how ya feel?" He glared and I knew instantly that he was better because he glared at the nickname. "I'm doing amazing Presley Jane." Haiden replied and I scrunched my nose at my full name because I hated it. "Anyways, you sad you can't race tonight?" "No not at all Presley." I giggled.

"Sorry that's not nice to ask you..." Haiden just rolled his eyes while jumping off the counter and looking in the cabinets for food. "Are you hungry?" He asked me and I shrugged, "wanna go get lunch somewhere?" "Haiden you have to do autographs in 10 minutes." I reminded him and he shrugged. "Nah."

"Brian would be disappointed." I joked and he raised an eyebrow, "Brian wouldn't know?" He smirked and I rolled my eyes, "let's just get your food so you stop acting weird." "I am not weird." Haiden replied while I shrugged and we walked outside of the trailer.

"Hey Duffe, I'm gonna go get lunch, tell my fans I'll be back in 30 minutes to sign stuff!" Haiden said to his mechanic and he shot us a smile as we walked out of the Yamaha section. Tons of people walked up to Haiden and begged him for a picture and he allowed it for a few people but then he got annoyed because we weren't even able to walk. "Ok we're going this way Pres." He grabbed my hand and led me to the 'dirtbike only' walkway. "Much better." I said and fixed my hair because I noticed people were probably taking pictures since Haiden was still holding my hand.

"You wanna go to Panda?" Haiden asked and my eyes lit up after hearing that sentence, "that's what I figured." He said with a laugh and squeezed my hand as we crossed the street together to get to lunch. We walked inside and Haiden refused that I pay for my own eight dollar meal so I finally gave up and let him pay while the worker lady just laughed at us then gave us a free cookies because we were 'such a cute couple'.

Haiden and I sat down across from each other at a booth and I put one of my legs up to get comfy, "your head feeling any better?" I asked and he nodded, "my vision is still a little off but I feel fine." He added, "but I'm still bummed that I can't race tonight- I could have stolen the points lead!" I frowned.

   "It's ok, I'll hang out with you- my girlfriend." Haiden mimicked the worker on the last part and I'll admit I did get butterflies even if that was a lie because that's a dream hearing Haiden calling me his girlfriend.

   "I guess we do look cute together, she's the fourth person that has told me that today. Oh and don't forget my mom every single day." He added and I laughed, "poor Haiden just gets bothered all day." I fake pouted and he flipped me off. "Oh now that's rude." He mocked me then we threw away our trash and walked slowly back to the parking lot and made our way back to the pits for Haiden to sign his fans.


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