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Qualifying went pretty easy for Haiden except he kept battling with McAdoo for the fastest time but somehow on the last lap, Haiden had beaten McAdoo by .2 of a second. Haiden seemed happy during his interview and he sounded focused which he was out there.

"Pres!" He called my name once he got off his bike, he came over for a kiss but I put a hand out and made him wipe off his dirt stash. "Okay that's better." I said and his lips crashed on mine as I heard the fans in the background chattering.

"Okay dude, what needs to change?" His mechanic came over and ruined our moment, "oh I need this fixed..." Haiden walked over to Duffe and his bike while explaining all the things needing to be changed.

I looked down at my phone to see Lennon had texted me from her iPad, it was a video of her and the dog asking where was Haiden so I decided to send a video back showing the bike and then my boyfriend. Lennon responded back with heart eyes while I just laughed to myself then recognized Christian and Jagger walking towards us. "Looks like you got taken away from your girl." Christian 'quietly' mumbled to Haiden, I just looked at both of them and rolled my eyes as Jagger was messing around on his scooter near me. "Presley look at my trick!" He announced then started scootering and he jumped then landed.

"Good job bud!" I said and clapped while a people around us clapped, "look you got a crowd Jagger." I joked but he gave me a stare then walked over to his dad by Haiden's bike.

fast forward to the night show

I walked hand in hand with Haiden until we reached the floor entrance, "don't die, be safe, love you." I whispered then he gave me a kiss and one more hug just to be safe, "love you more Presley Jane." He added with a smirk then walked over to the gate for heat #1 with Duffe holding his bike for him.

Heat #1 went to McAdoo and Haiden got second which was still good because he was fighting the whole race but at least he moved on for a good gate pick. Heat #2 came up and the other Yamaha Daxton won so that was good. The 450s heats happened and the first winner was Jett, obviously, and the second winner was Sexton. LCQs were nothing important so I took Jagger and Hudson, Haiden's brother, to the bathroom while Christian was socializing with Brian Deegan who was standing next to us also.

   "Who's gonna win tonight?" Jagger asked me once he was done in the bathroom, "250s or 450s class?" I asked, "hmm 250s." "I'd hope Haiden..." I responded and he looked at me with a scrunched nose. "Well I think RJ." Jagger said, "no it's gonna be Daxton." Hudson added and we all shook on our people, "okay what do you want, 5 bucks?" I asked them, "nope we're doing 50." Jagger responded with a grin and I just laughed, "you don't even have 50 in your bank account!" "I do!" Hudson said and I actually believed him though. "Okay fine, 20 bucks." Jagger said with a frown then we all shook hands and walked back to our section and found the dads just as the 250s were starting to line up at their gates.

The monster girl moved out of the way and the gates dropped, a Yamaha shot out front for the holeshot and I got excited but realized it Daxton and not Haiden. I looked for number 38 and I finally spotted him but it wasn't in a good way, he was on the floor with McAdoo too except Haiden wasn't moving...

   "Christian!" I yelled in fear, he looked at me then at the track then back at me, "oh shit." He responded as we both watched Brian's face going through many different emotions. "Presley c'mon." He grabbed my hand and I quickly followed him through the crowd and avoided all the people as we rushed to the medical trailer where Haiden had gotten transported to.

   "Haiden?" I yelled as the medical people helped him limp up the steps, my heart broke knowing this was way more serious than last time's concussion. His dad mentioned for me to follow as he walked inside the trailer and sat down while they took care of Haiden.
I sat there and my brain immediately started thinking of all the different things that could possibly be wrong with my boyfriend and before I knew it, I was at the start of a panic attack... "I have to go to the bathroom, be right back." I told Brian and he nodded while I left the trailer with tears in my eyes.

There was nobody in the Star Racing trailer except a few crew guys outside but luckily they recognized me so they let me inside. I sat on the bathroom floor and leaned against the wall then pulled out my phone to call Paige as the tears streamed down my face.

"Paige?" I asked as she answered their phone with her usual happy tone, "what's up Pres?" "Haiden's hurt, like badly..." I said and she realized my tone was serious. "Is he okay?" "He's in the medical trailer right now and so is his dad but I'm scared-" my voice was shaking as more tears escaped, "Presley?" "Yeah?" "Presley are you okay?" Paige asked and I shook my head no but realized she would understand unless I said words, "no Paige, I'm scared." "Is it another panic attack?" Again I nodded then 'mhhmed'.

   "Okay answer your questions, 5 things you can smell, 4 things you can see-" she began but I interrupted, "Paige I can't, it's all because of our fight earlier! Fuck I am a bad girlfriend..." "Answer my FaceTime," she said and I quickly wiped my eyes while answering and noticing her smile was gone.

"What's really going on Pres?" I shrugged, "I don't know, just seeing Haiden in pain and not being able to walk freaked me out. And what if he was thinking about our 'break', he really was nervous about tonight." Paige took a deep breath, "I really wish I could hug you to calm you down right now..." she had a frown on her face, "but I can promise you that this, this is not your fault." I looked at my phone as the vision got blurry again and the tears came back.

   The bathroom door opened and I jumped, Daxton looked down at me in confusion then read my face and dropped his smile. "Uhh Paige I gotta go now, call you later." I said then ended the FaceTime while Daxton reached out his hand for me to grab.

   "What's going on?" He asked while grabbing a wet towel for his sweaty face, "Haiden's crash is my fault." I answered and he stood up from the sink and raised an eyebrow, "you were controlling the bike?" Daxton asked with sarcasm and I rolled my eyes as he laughed. "No I hate you. We had a little fight or break last night and this morning we agreed it was all fine but apparently not..." I explained as my eyes wandered down to my shoes while Dax thought of words to say.

He sighed then hung up the dirty towel, "well he said maybe three words about your guys' fight so I don't know what happened but I know that wasn't the reason he crashed. His mechanic said he ran into the guy in front of him and McAdoo was behind him which he ran over Haiden's knee- not on purpose, but to get past him except he ended up getting bumped into also..." Daxton explained and I frowned, "ouch?"

"Why are you in here calling Paige?" I sorta shrugged then covered up the truth, "I was scared to hear the results about Haid-" "another panic attack?" I dropped my shoulders and nodded while looking at my shoes still, "yeah another panic attack." "You never got that checked out?" Daxton asked and I shook my head, "they said it was just from anxiety and overthinking too much." "Oh well that's a bummer."

   It was silence for a couple seconds then Daxton offered to walk me back to the medical trailer, I nodded and thanked him once the short walk to the trailer was over. "I'm sure I'll figure out results soon but text me if there's anything else important or Haiden needs anything." Daxton gave me a friendly hug and I thanked him as he walked the opposite way back inside the stadium.

I walked inside the door and Haiden was sitting on the bench while his knee was getting wrapped with a simple bandage wrap. "You're here!" Haiden smiled at me and I smiled back then looked over at Brian who mouthed the question if I was okay, I responded with a nod then asked what Haiden's results were...

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