twenty three.

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Presley's pov:
I stayed back at the hotel with Jagger because he complained of a headache and I didn't want Paige or Christian to miss the dinner reservations so they left with the other two kids and I thanked Jagger. We doordashed some chipotle and Jagger somehow connected his iPad to the hotel tv so he was able to watch his dirtbike vlogs or whatever he watches on YouTube.

"Presley?" Jagger pulled the chair out next to me and sat down while his youtube still played, "whatsup." "Are you and Haiden still friends?" He asked and I immediately knew the answer, "absolutely not...why?" I responded as he giggled then shrugged, "just wondering."

I looked at the kid as he continued to watch his YouTube and I wondered what could be going on in his tiny brian right now. "Can we get ice cream?" Jagger looked up and asked, "yeah grab the key, but you can't tell Lennon." I said while calling an Uber and he nodded. "My lips are sealed." He giggled.

We got in the back of the car then Jagger hummed along to the music the whole 10 minutes to ice cream. The Uber guy was nice enough to wait while we ran in so I told Jagger he needed to be quick with his order, "can I have a ice cream sundae?" Jagger asked as one of the workers began making his then I got a small scoop of vanilla ice cream and paid. "Thank you Presley!" Jagger said as we got back in the Uber and I nodded while taking a bite out of my ice cream.

I paid the Uber guy then we headed up to the room, "you got the key?" I asked Jagger and he went quiet. "Jagger Craig are you serious?" "Sorry I forgot." He said while taking a bit of ice cream as I groaned. "Cmon we gotta go to the front desk now." I said as Jagger followed me to the elevators and we waited.

The elevator opened and I looked from Haiden to Hudson then back to Haiden, "you've got to be shitting me." I muttered under my breath as Haiden also mumbled something. Jagger grabbed my hand anyway and pulled me in the elevator as I completely ignored them. "Push level one Jagger." I said and he nodded then started talking to Hudson while Haiden and I stood there awkwardly.
"...yeah well Presley forgot to bring the key with us." Jagger told Hudson and I glared, "that was your one job-" "that's funny, she always seems to forget things." Haiden interrupted as I snapped my head up. "Excuse me?" "You always forget to check up on others- it's always your world with your opinions." He went on as I put my hands over Jagger's ears. "Last time I checked you broke up with me because you're a dick and cannot tell people about your own problems!" I yelled back, "because you never gave me a fucking chance to explain myself!" Haiden responded while I laughed pathetically.

"I know you did not just say that because I was the one that went into your trailer to figure this out." I pointed in between us and Hudson stood there with wide eyes. "Presley give it up- you're fake and we were both wrong in the relationship." Haiden answered and my jaw dropped. "I'm fake?" I asked and he nodded, "maybe there's a good reason we didn't work out- I hope you fuck up during your race tomorrow." "And I hope you fall back into your break up depression." Haiden added, "you asshole!" I yelled as the elevator dinged and the doors opened. "Bye insecure bitch." He said then walked away.

I uncovered Jagger's ears then the elevator doors closed again and I let out a huff as he stared at me. "You cannot tell anyone what just happened- got it?" I asked and he nodded his head as we exited then went to the front desk to ask for a new key.

   We got our key and luckily this time there was nobody else in the elevator but Jagger kept looking at me with a blank stare. "Whatsup bud?" I asked as I opened the hotel door, "did you mean that?" He asked once sitting at the counter and I sighed, "you heard all that?" "You were yelling." Jagger said, "Well sometimes when people get mad, they say things they don't mean and others say things that have been bottled up...I was in the middle of those two." I explained while the little boy nodded.
   "Do you think Haiden meant all that?" Jagger asked, "I'm not sure but don't mention that to anyone. You should get ready for bed, it's getting late." I suggested and he nodded while hopping off the chair then going into the other room.

I turned some quiet music on and sat back at the counter then wondered what just happened. I cried for awhile until I heard a door creak so I wiped my eyes, I looked over at the front door but it was still locked then I turned around and saw Jagger standing right there. "Presley are you ok?" He asked while playing with his pj strings, "yeah I'm fine, just missing home." I lied and he gave me a smile then a hug goodnight and left the room again.

Missing home- bull... if the word 'home' meant Haiden then that would be the truth.

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