twenty five.

178 8 2

Haiden's pov:

My dad came over and warned me that the pits were opening so I put my airpods in and watched the supercross film from last weekend, I thought of ways to improve my riding but my mind kept getting side tracked from what happened earlier in the trailer with Presley- I mean we both hated each other but there was something there and neither of us could deny that...

A bunch of fans crowded around Star Yamaha while Tomac was talking to his mechanic and Daxton was talking to me. "Are you even listening?" He asked and I zoned back in the got distracted again as a few fans yelled my name.

"Haiden where's Presley?"
"She's at husqvarna." I responded and Daxton looked at me then widened his eyes.
"Shit man," he nudged me, "you like her again?" He laughed while I gave him a blank stare.

"Boys get on the bike, you've got 20 minutes." My dad came over and announced while Daxton and I nodded then got on the cardio bikes and I put my other AirPod in to focus. I like her again? Yes or no...

20 minutes passed and I got on my bike then my mechanic hopped on the back, we rode to the stadium for the first round of qualifying and I was ready. Out on the track I rode a lot better than last weekend for sure and I had a feeling behind it... once we came back to the pits, I looked at Daxton who knew my question then he nodded. "Ok dad I'll be back in a bit." "Where are you going?" He asked as I walked away and people started following me towards the husqvarna booth.

"Shit he's going to his ex!" Someone yelled, "they aren't even broken up?" "Well they don't post about each other anymore..." I turned the volume up in my AirPod and ignored all the rumors going around as Paige came out of the trailer and Lennon ran towards me.

"Haidennn!" She yelled and I picked her up, "yuck you're dirty." "Haiden what are you doing here?" "Where is she?" Paige looked at me then widened her eyes. "Holy shit!" Lennon covered her ears as I laughed, "in the trailer." She responded with a hopeful smile as I took my AirPod out then prepared myself for what I was about to do when I opened the door.

The trailer looked empty when I first walked in then Christian came down and nodded, "what are you doing in here?" He asked while grabbing a water from the fridge. "Uhh have you seen Presley?" He wiped his mouth then looked at me, "you mean like Presley that lives with me- your ex?" "Yes." I said and Christian wasn't sure how to answer that then he laughed. "Oh shit, good luck." I nodded, "she's in the bathroom." He answered my question then left the trailer to go out for 450s first round of qualifying.

Presley's pov:

I walked down the stairs then looked up from my phone to see Haiden sitting at the table. "Umm hi." I said after silence then sat across from him. "Listen Presley, all those things I said at the hotel- I didn't mean them." Haiden explained as I twirled my hair and decided wether to take him serious or not, "so you're asking for me to forgive you?" "In the trailer this morning I realized that I missed you, I missed us."

"You thought it was a moment earlier too?" I asked and Haiden nodded. "Can we just try us again, I promise I won't hurt you again." He begged while I was having conversations in my head.

He hurt me badly but we all make mistakes and it's not like he cheated on me... "fine." I made up my mind and a smile grew across Haiden's face, I opened my mouth to tell him more but I got stopped as Haiden's lips crashed onto mine across the table. He picked me up and kissed me again as the trailer door opened but neither of us cared to look who it was.

"Okay okay enough making out, I have a little kid!" Daxton said while putting a hand over Lennon's eyes and I glared at him. "Glad you two talked things out." He said sarcastically while Lennon came running towards me and she whispered something in my ear. "Are you done fighting with Haiden?" I smiled and nodded as she squealed, "Yay!" She hugged me then went to Haiden.

"Anyways it's time for round two." Daxton told Haiden, "of qualifying- not whatever the fuck you two were doing." He finished his sentence and I bursted out laughing as Lennon covered her ears. "Ok cmon Pres." Haiden said while grabbing my hand and I majorly blushed as he used my old nickname.


sorry I've been gone, I was on vacation for awhile but I'm back to updating :)

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