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Haiden's pov:

"Haiden over here!" "Is she your girlfriend?" "Why aren't you racing?" "How's your concussion?" "Haid!"

All of these questions were really making my head spin so I sat down and started signing my posters as the long line started to die down. Fans wanted hats, shirts, and number plates all signed by me...

But there was this one girl who smiled at me, I would guess she was around 10 or so.

"Haiden can you sign this?" She asked and handed me her Yamaha hat, I signed it then smiled for a picture and she thanked me. "Can you get your girlfriend, I think she's really pretty..." the girl said and I smiled, knowing exactly who she meant because I agreed.

I mentioned for Presley to come over and she did, "aweee aren't you adorable?" She said and the little girl smiled, "you and Haiden are my favorite couple ever." Presley's smiled faded and she looked at me. "Favorite what?" "Favorite couple." I responded with a wink and she realized to go along. "Oh thank you!"

The little girl walked away with a smile on her face and luckily she was the last person in line.

"We're a what now?" Presley yelled and I saw Daxton looked over at us quietly, "Pres calm down, it was one girl and she needed her dreams to come true- a picture of Haiden and one of his 'girlfriends'." I responded in an unserious tone and she looked pissed. "Wait what'd I do now?" She stormed away.

Daxton laughed while patting my shoulder, "annddd there goes your chance of ever, ever dating Presley Taves." He commentated and I rolled my eyes, "I don't care." I responded and shrugged but deep down my stomach was turned upside down because I truly wanted to date her but didn't know how...

   "Good luck bud, you never call a girl 'one of the girlfriends'- she's not gonna take you seriously." Nick walked over gave me advice while slapping my back and I was confused on how he knew this much. "Let's just say previous relationships..." he continued while I zoned off and looked over at Presley who was sitting at a Yamaha table with my mom, shit.

Presley's pov:

"You can't be mad at me forever." Haiden walked over to me as I was entering the stadium with the Craig's, "hmm Lennon you want dippin' dots?" I asked the little girl and completely ignored Haiden- I know that was wrong but I actually thought he had feeling for me until he completely denied everything.

I stood in line with Lennon while Paige went down to the track, Haiden stood with me 'just in case' but I was still choosing to ignore him. Lennon got her dippin' dots and she was skipping a few steps ahead of us. Haiden yanked my hand and forced me to stop walking, "Presley stop this." He cleared his voice and a few people looked around and stared while I just looked at him, confused on what he was going to say.

Haiden looked around and noticed people went back to their own business as opening ceremonies started but we stood there still. "Presley," he looked at me and grabbed my hand, "I know you have feelings for me and that's why you're mad- you're mad I said those words in front of you and now you want to lose all feelings for me but you can't because you're waiting for me to ask the question or confess." Haiden stated and I couldn't have agreed more but I just huffed, "okay then. Presley, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked and my glare disappeared but I didn't saying anything, "Presley Jane Taves, will you be my girlfriend?" My face turned to a beaming smile. "Yes I will Haiden." I exclaimed and went for a hug but Haiden full on kissed me- and I am not complaining.

The two of us walked, hand in hand, as we headed down to the track but we got stopped ever so many steps because of the fans wanting pictures. "HAIDEN!" I yelled and he stopped walking, "what woman?" He said with attitude, "where is Lennon?" I started looking around, "fuck!" Haiden mumbled as he started looking too. "Haiden I was supposed to be watching her!" "Calm down, she's probably with Paige."

I decided to call Paige's phone and ask when Lennon answered, "Presey, I'm scared where are you?" Lennon asked and I felt relief from hearing her voice. "Oh thank God- where are you at babe?" She explained the area and Haiden knew exactly where she was so it took us two minutes to get to her.

"Lennon don't you ever disappear like that again- you scared us shitless!" I said and she giggled while Haiden smiled, "are you two boyfriend and girlfriend?" She asked, I was a little creeped out on how she figured out. "What makes you think that?" Haiden asked and she smiled, "you guys are holding hands." A smile appeared on my face as Haiden squeezed my hand. "Yes Lennon, we are dating." "Yay!" She said and I picked her up as we walked down to the track where Paige was waiting with Jagger and Madden.

Paige didn't suspect anything going on between Haiden and I except Lennon kept hinting at it. "Presey and Haiden are gonna take me to the bathroom mommy!" She said and I smiled while she dragged Haiden and I along with her. "You stay out here because you're a boy." Lennon let go of Haiden's hand and we both laughed while he was instructed to stay still while I helped Lennon inside the bathroom.

Fast forward to the main event time, our favorite boy Daxton had won the night show after crashing the second to last lap but he somehow made it up in time before McAdoo had time to steal the first place position. Somehow Daxton avoided the pits after his interview and he came to stand with us and watch the 450s main event. Lennon whispered something to Dax and he smirked while looking over at Haiden and I- and we both already knew Lennon had blabbed our 'secret' to him.

The 450s were all lined up and Lennon was on Haiden's shoulders while I stood next to Paige and bounced Madden who was sleeping on my shoulder. Christian was standing with Daxton and Haiden, talking dirtbike talk when the gates dropped, Lennon cheered as Jett was out in front after stealing the holeshot from Webb. "Yesss go Jett!" She yelled and Haiden just looked at me and rolled his eyes.

Jagger's eyes were glued to the red bike as the number 18 went over the finishing jump first, "Jett won!" He yelled and the rest of the crowd cheered. "Wait he did?" Lennon asked and I nodded while pointed up to the jumbo screen and she saw him, "yay!" "I thought you liked me?" Haiden asked as he carefully set her down on the ground, "well, you've got Presey so I can have Jett." Lennon put her hands on her hips and I laughed while Christian and Paige looked at me in shock. "Wait what!" Paige asked and I gave her a small smile, "ha surprise?" "Dammit I owe your mom money." Christian pretended to slam his hand and looked at Haiden who was just as confused as I was. "You bet on us getting together?" Haiden and I asked and Christian slowly nodded while I rolled my eyes.

"Wait we have to go see Jett!" Lennon ran over and tugged on my pants, "tell your daddy to take you, I don't know Jett babes." I explained and she nodded then begged for Christian to walk her over to the podium. "Paige you are really gonna be in trouble when she actually has a crush..." "don't remind me." Paige responded with an eye roll and I laughed as we said goodbyes and walked to the parking lot.


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