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The next morning I woke up around noon and walked downstairs to hear lots of conversation going on. I went in the kitchen to get myself some food when Lennon came running towards me with one of her friends, "Presey can you take us shopping?" Lennon begged and I raised an eyebrow, "for what?" "Makeup!" Both girls screamed and I looked at her funny. "Chill, you guys are like eight." I responded and they both pouted, "pleaseeee Presey?" "Fine but you gotta give me 20 minutes." They smiled and ran off.

"Wow my mom's gonna kill you." Jagger came around the corner, "oh hush, I'll buy you a toy- what do you want?" I bribed him and he smiled. "I want a remote control car." He responded then ran to go get his iPad while I opened the fridge and started grabbing ingredients for my smoothie. "Here!" Jagger came back and showed me the RC car he wanted. "140 bucks!" I exclaimed and he smiled, "I'm gonna tell my mom..."

   The little kid looked at me with begging eyes so I decided to buy it, "thank you thank you thank you!" He jumped up and down with the biggest smile on his face. "You're welcome Jagger." I said while he disappeared upstairs to get ready and I finished making my drink.

Paige walked in the front door with Madden following behind and she was looking at some mail in her hands. "Oh mornin'!" She smiled and I smiled back, "I'm taking the kids shopping, that okay?" I asked and she nodded. "I'll keep Madden here so you aren't with him out in public." Paige added with a laugh while I walked upstairs to get ready myself.

20 minutes passed and my hair was straightened, my mascara was on, my outfit was cute and I made sure to grab my wallet because I would need that. "Okay say bye to mama!" I told the kids right before we walked outside but they all ran out to the mom car without saying bye. "Wish me luck!" I added then shut the door and found a kid-friendly playlist for our 10 minute drive to the outlets.

   I decided to get Jagger's RC car first so then he can read the box and be entertained while Lennon and Elle shopped for all their makeup. "Okay that will be 157.03 after tax." The nice guy said and I rolled my eyes at Jagger while hoping my card did decline but it didn't. "Thank you!" Jagger said as I handed him the big box and I patted his head. "Now you better listen to me bud."

Next stop was Sephora, Lennon and Elle ran to the big doors while Jagger and I slowly trailed behind. "You two get a 50 dollar limit each." I said but they frowned, "Jagger's toy was 160..." Lennon began and she stuck out her lip. "Haha no- you guys get 75 dollars and I have to approve of it." I changed my rule and both girls nodded then disappeared into the aisles while Jagger and I sat on a bench by the door.

I was getting a FaceTime from Haiden so I decided to answer it while keeping an eye out for the girls. "Whatsup Deegs?" I asked and Jagger's head looked over from reading the box, "Haiden!" He said and scooted closer to look at my phone. "Presley that's not my name, hey bud!" Haiden replied and I giggled. "Where are you guys?" He asked and I explained the whole 'deal' we had. "Oof, you're gonna need a job." He joked and I rolled my eyes, "I'll just steal your wallet next time." I said and he widened his eyes.

   "Presey can I get this?" Lennon came running over with a small basket filled with makeup, "here Jagger, talk to Haiden." I handed my phone over but Lennon stole it, "Haidennn look what I'm getting!" She gave him a haul of all her choices and I did approve of them all because they were mostly just chapsticks or body sprays...nothing too 'adulty'. Elle came walking over with her basket and she also had everything appropriate for her age so we all walked up to the counter while Jagger was talking to Haiden about his RC car.

   "Okay your total is 156.72 dollars, cash or card?" The lady said and I smiled because both girls stayed under their budget, "hold on." I told the lady and she waited, "you two go pick out a makeup bag for all your goodies." I said and they ran off then came back within a minute. "Here!" Lennon handed both bags to the register lady, "thank you Presey!" Elle and Lennon said while I smiled, "your welcome babes."

We walked outside and sat at a table while the two girls got all their own makeup and put them in their owns bags. "Haidennn look at my bag!" Lennon showed him and he smiled, "are you gonna do Presey's makeup tonight?" He asked and I glared at my phone, "ooo we should!" Elle added. "Perfect, by the way I'm coming over for dinner so I would love to supervise." Haiden added and now I really glared.

   "I hate you." I added, "no you don't." Haiden corrected me and I giggled, "you're right." "Wait, did Presley Jane just admit I'm right?" He asked with a shocked tone and I huffed. "Yes Haiden, I did." "Woah!" 

Jagger yelled at us for 'flirting' and then he stole my phone and made me hang up, "bye Haiden!" We all said then walked over to Auntie Anne's for some pretzel bites because the kids were hungry.

   We got back home around 4 and Paige was already making dinner, "ooo smells good!" I said when we walked through the door, "it's tri-tip and pilaf, oh and the Deegan's are invited!" Paige added and I nodded. "Where's Daddy?" Lennon asked, "at the track with Haiden." "Ohh okay." She responded then went up to her room with Elle.

"Wanna help me build this?" Jagger came over and asked me, I nodded, "okay, you teach me." "Jagger where'd you get that?" Paige asked and he pointed at me. "Presley how much was that!" She exclaimed, "hey it's his early birthday present!" Jagger giggled while Paige frowned, "you didn't need to do that..."

I pulled Madden's highchair over to the dining room so he could watch Jagger and I. "This goes there..." "snap that piece here." "Blue wire goes to blue wire." Jagger was speaking all these terms while I just stood there and watched in awe at how a little kid knows all this. "Wow bud, you did it!" I said and patted his back, "no I need batteries, Mommmmmmmm!" Jagger yelled and walked over to the kitchen to find out where the batteries lived while Madden giggled and reached for me so I picked him up. "Hey Mad!"


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