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"Well shit." I mumbled and Hailie laughed, "so is there anything going on or is that just a picture?" She asked and I didn't let myself answer that because I would accidentally say what I wanted to happen.

Hailie looked at her brother and Haiden shrugged, "that's just a stupid picture from the press." He responded and part of my heart broke but I nodded, knowing that was the truth and nothing more. "Okay, I was just wondering because Daxton also said something..." Hailie added and we both turned red while Lennon giggled and sat up because this was her story to explain. " basically they are dating!" She finished, Hailie just laughed while Haiden and I rolled our eyes, "that's not how it works." Jagger added.


   We got back to the house after a long day and Lennon laid on my bed while I got unready in my bathroom with Haiden on FaceTime. "Looks like someone's had a rough day." Haiden said with a laugh and I was confused but then realized that he could see Lennon's reflection due to the mirrors in my bathroom and room, she was asleep on my bed with a YouTube video playing quietly on her iPad.

"Oh yeah, she was asleep the whole car ride back here too." I added and he laughed while changing, I stared at his abs that were in perfect view on my phone. "Hey close your eyes!" Haiden yelled and looked at me, I giggled but refused to close my eyes and then he brought me to his bathroom and got unready.

   I yawned and looked over at the time, "okay Haiden, I'm tired so I'm going to bed but I'll see you in the morning?" I asked and he nodded, "if you guys stop at Starbucks could you get me the strawberry refresher lemonade açaí thingy?" He asked and I stop mid-yawn and started laughing, "a what now?" I asked and he frowned while I kept laughing. "Haiden please repeat that." He flipped me off and I finally calmed down but that still made me have a smile, "yes I'll make sure to get your drink in the morning."


Saturday morning was finally here. Christian was in charge of getting all his meds for the day while Paige packed a snack bag, diaper bag, and loaded the stroller into the car. My job was to get all the kids dressed and out the door which was pretty easy because Jagger had picked his outfit the night before, Lennon wanted to match me, and Madden just needed a onesie and tennis shoes. I put Lennon's hair into some cute pigtails then handed her my Louis V bag to hold while grabbing her brothers and walking outside.

   We got to the stadium early and luckily there was a Starbucks on the opposite corner so I walked over the with Jagger because he wanted a cake pop. "Okay, hold that for your mom while I get the others." I said as Jagger held the iced coffee for Paige and I grabbed mine and Haiden's drinks. "Oh and here's your cake pop, the other two are for your siblings." He nodded and grabbed his scooter as we walked outside. I put the three drinks in the drink carrier while Jagger held the cake pop bag and scootered back to the stadium next to me.

Jagger sat down at one of the Husqvarna tables and ate his cake pop while Lennon sat next to him and ate hers too, "I'm all done Presey!" She said then handed me the trash, "oh thank you." I said and she laughed while walking over to Paige inside the trailer.

I was standing outside and holding Madden while he was just staring at the cake pop, "are you gonna eat it buddy?" I asked and all of this sudden, someone came over stole the cake pop right out of my hand. I turned around saw it was Haiden holding a pink cake pop, I rolled my eyes and laughed but now Madden was crying in my arms. "Look what you did Haiden!" He laughed and grabbed Madden. "Sorry bud, look you want some?" He brought the cake pop closer to Madden and his eyes were wide as he took a bite and frosting was instantly all over his mouth. "Mmm is that good?" The little boy clapped his hands.

"Here's your 'strawberry refresher lemonade açaí thingy'." I said with a smile and handed Haiden his drink, "why thank you." He said and took a sip. "Hey it's the right thing no matter what I said Presley." "Whatever Haiden. How was track walk?" I asked and he nodded, "hopefully they add more dirt because it rained a little last night and the track was sorta muddy this morning..." Haiden explained and I frowned.

   "Hopefully it's not a mudder." I added and he nodded, then Lennon came running out of the trailer towards us. "Haidennn!" She yelled and jumped into his arms, "ooo what'd you get?" She asked and took a sip of his refresher. "Ooo that's good!" Lennon said and we both laughed while she handed the drink back and then jumped out of Haiden's arms. "Daddy said the people are coming in 2 minutes!" She said and Haiden thanked her, "well I gotta go back then, see ya in a bit." He looked at me and waved.

Jagger came over and told us about the freestyle dirtbike guys that were going to be the entertainment in the pits and we followed him over to the sight. There were about 5 guys on dirtbikes popping wheelies and doing stoppies as the blow up ramp was inflating. One of the guys rode by us and gave Jagger a fist bump as the gates opened and a big crowd of people walked in, I made sure to hold Jagger's hand tight because I didn't want him to get lost and I was already holding Lennon.

   "Presley the first round of qualifying is gonna start soon, can we watch?" Jagger asked and I nodded while he grabbed my hand and we made our way to actual racetrack and watched all the 250s class A do their first round of qualifying.


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