twenty four.

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All the noise in the hotel room woke me up, one kid screaming and the other was complaining about an outfit while I was just trying to get my sleep. "Mommy I don't want that shirt!" Lennon yelled and Paige groaned, "Lennon you only brought three shirts- the one you wore last night, one for today, and one for tomorrow." She responded. "Well I'll wear yesterday's then." "No Lennon that's dirty!" Paige responded.

"Lennon you have an extra shirt in your backpack." I mumbled while still laying on the couch and Paige thanked me. "Sorry to wake you..." she apologized and I shrugged while getting up.

Within 20 minutes we were all out the door and ready for supercross in Nashville. Christian grabbed all our vip passes for the pits then we headed in around 9am. I was pushing Madden in the stroller as he was eating Cheerios for breakfast and Lennon kept stealing some which caused a fight. "Lennon go with dad." I said and she frowned, "but I want you!" "Ok then." I stopped to pick her up and Jagger swapped so he was now pushing Madden's stroller- he was drifting like it's a 'race car' in his words.

   "Jagger be careful with your brother!" Paige yelled while Jagger took off running and Christian laughed, "really Christian- your son is going to kill your other son." She said then chased Jagger while we laughed.

Christian led Lennon and I to the husqvarna booth and I said hi to Malcom and RJ who were talking, "hey Presley!" They both responded then Lennon went to play with one of RJ's little girls. Christian was talking to his teammates so I stood there and waited for Paige to come back with Jagger and Madden.

"Hello? Where are you?" I answered Paige's phone call.
"I need some help, I'm by Yamaha." She asked and I paused.
"Get your ass over here or you are sleeping in the hallway tonight." She threatened.

I ended the called and told Lennon I would be right back then left huski. I was trying to find Paige's blonde hair down the aisle but I couldn't see her anywhere. "Presley?" Someone called my name and I prayed it wasn't anyone related to him... "Dax!" I walked over to the Yamaha booth and gave Daxton a side hug. "How you been?" He asked me, "if you want the truth my life has been complete shit." He laughed then frowned. "If it has anything to do with him- trust me he's not doing to well either." Daxton said and I rolled my eyes, "let's just say we had an 'incident' yesterday and he seemed perfectly fine." Dax shrugged.

"Are you looking for Paige?" He asked, "yeah where's she at?" "Inside the trailer." He replied and I raised an eyebrow, "can you tell her to come out here?" "No I uh, gotta go to track walk." Daxton said and he was completely lying. "Yeah I do- they changed it for today." He responded while I flipped him off.

Maybe Paige really is in the Yamaha trailer, I mean she is friends with like everyone here...

There was one mechanic around the area but he didn't question me at all so I walked right in the trailer. "Hello?" I asked out loud but there was no response and no one in sight, fucking Daxton. I turned around to go back outside but the door was locked, I unlocked it from the inside but somebody was on the outside, using the key to lock it. "Who's out there?" "Sorry Presley." "DAXTON!" I yelled as he laughed, "not funny- I am going to kill you!" I pounded on the door but didn't hear the footsteps behind me.

"You've got to be shitting me." Someone said and I jumped, "that's my line." I responded. "And this is my team trailer, why are you even in here?" Haiden asked with attitude. "Trust me this is the last place I want to be. Somebody locked me in here!" I yelled at the door and heard Daxton laugh again. "Dax are you fucking kidding me open the door!" Haiden tried opening it but he kept laughing. "I got paid 50 bucks."

"By who?" Haiden and I both yelled then we looked at each other, "Paige." I said and he groaned while I pulled my phone out of my pocket then called her.

"Hey whatsup?" She answered.
"What's up- you PAID Daxton to lock me in a racing trailer with my ex?" I yelled at the phone.
"Presley- Presley listen."
"Get me out of this hell hole!" I said and glared while Haiden glared right back at me.
"Talk about everything for just 10 minutes." Paige said.
"You paid him 50 bucks to do this. I'm needing a raise at babysitting." I said and she laughed.
"Sorry but my phone is going to die Presley." Paige apologized.
"Bull shit it's not-" I began and then she hung up.

I looked over to see Haiden was sitting on the bench across from me while playing on his phone. Great. "I don't hear talking..." Daxton yelled, "and you aren't going to!" I yelled back with attitude and saw Haiden smile but then we made eye contact and he frowned.

"Soo." I said after moments of silence and Haiden shut his phone off, "what Presley." "Did you mean all those words you said to me yesterday in the elevator?" I asked and he paused. "Yeah." "Good I meant all mine too." I forced myself to say while Haiden nodded then it was back to the awkward silence.

"It's been 10 minutes, can you let us go now?" Haiden yelled at the door but there was no response, I quietly went over to the door and tried to open it when Daxton quickly shut it. "Not so fast." He added then turned the key so the door was locked again. "Dammit!" I yelled as Haiden pushed me out of the way. "Hands off!" He yelled and I smacked his head, "no I was here first fucker!" "Move it."

   I got pushed into the cabinet and immediately grabbed the side of my forehead from the pain, I looked at my hand and saw there was a lot of blood then gasped as Haiden turned around. "Aw shit." He mumbled while taking a step towards me and I glared. "Stay the fuck away I don't need help." "Let me get you the first aid kit." Haiden went up the stairs then came back and handed the box over as I was sitting down at the table. "You really could have just moved," Haiden added while grabbing an alcohol pad, "not for you." "This might sting..." he explained while ripping the package and I frowned. "Can I squeeze your arm?"

Haiden looked at me then nodded, "ok three...two..." he wiped the cut before he said one and I bit my lip and squeezed his arm. "Pres!" He shouted and I jumped as he used my nickname, we both sat there and looked in each other's eyes then he cleared his throat. "Let me grab a bandaid." Haiden said and the moment vanished as I removed the gauze from my forehead. "There. Now don't be a dumbass."

   I took a step closer to him as his eyes widened then smacked his face, "sorry you were in my way." I shrugged while Haiden put a hand over his cheek and complained. "Owww." He raced me to the door and we both fought to open it as our hands were touching each other's then then door opened and we both shot out of the trailer. "Owww!" I yelled as Haiden got off of me and I laid dead on the floor. "Fuck." He said then smiled and offered to help me up, "I hate you so much Haiden Deegan." I said once smoothing out my jeans and he nodded. "You might want to fix your shirt." He mentioned and I looked down to see my white tank was not centered and my bra was showing. "Turn around." "Yes ma'am."


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