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   Marissa dropped me off back at the Craig's and I thanked her for breakfast again while she gave me a hug. "Haiden has a team meeting tonight so I don't know if you'll be able to see him..." she yelled as I walked up to the front door and nodded as Paige opened it for me then waved goodbye to Marissa.

   "Wow you and Haiden must have been real busy if you couldn't respond to my text." Paige wrapped her arms around me as I rolled my eyes. "Don't worry, I'm fine!" I said with sarcasm and she looked at me with a smirk as I groaned. "You're not gonna drop that topic are you?" Paige just shrugged as Lennon came running to me, "Preseyyy!" She jumped into my arms while I carefully spun her around. "You missed me babes?" She nodded as I put her down and the dog came running over to sniff me and be obnoxious. 

I sat on the couch while Madden played on his gymnastics bar and Lennon spotted him- he only fell on the floor two times and luckily I caught one of them on video. "Paige your kid is going to kill himself." I said in between my laughs and she shrugged, "hey don't say that!" Lennon looked at me with a frown from the bean bag and I apologized while Paige laughed.

"You hungry at all?" Paige offered while making a breakfast in the kitchen for her kids since Christian went on a date with Jagger to an RC track until later today. "No Marissa made me breakfast." "Aww the mother in law is so sweet!" She said and I just laughed, "Paige we haven't even been dating for a month..." I responded, "but you've already had sex?" She asked and I spit my water out which caused Lennon to have a laugh attack as she mocked me. "What makes you think that?" I asked Paige while grabbing a towel and wiping up the counter, she just looked at me, "you're limping." My eyes went wide and she just gave me a pat on the back and started laughing, "I'm kidding, hopefully you guys don't or haven't done that." Paige said and I forced myself to laugh while feeling relief because I wasn't caught just yet.

I went upstairs slowly because I really was sore from last night but I just told Lennon I was tired and she grabbed my thigh to help me up the rest of the stairs. Lennon's room was a mess so I helped her clean it by vacuuming and dusting while she put all her toys away in the correct bins and sorted her clothes.

"Good job!" I said and gave Lennon a high-five about a hour later, "yay it's clean!" She exclaimed and I laughed. "We should clean your room Presey." Lennon suggested and I nodded while we walked down the hall and into my messy room that had clothes all over. "Oh my-" she began and I looked around then flashed her a straight smile before handing her the big dirty clothes hamper to throw all my clothes.

"What's this?" Lennon held up my pile of clothes from yesterday and there was a lace bra that she stared at, "just put it in the hamper." I said because I did not wanna explain what that was to a six year old.

I cleaned my vanity and then I walked into my bathroom and scrubbed my toilet and sink while Lennon sang some Disney princess songs to me. "Let it gooooo, let it goooooo!" She yelled as loud as she could and even my airports couldn't block out the sound, "beautiful!" I said with a half smile and she flashed me a smile back after jumping off the counters. "Bathroom done, bedroom done, my bedroom done." Lennon held up three fingers then put one down after naming each thing out loud and I giggled. "Let's eat!"

We raced downstairs to see Paige was watching tv on the couch while Madden was still practicing his gymnastics, "Lennon babe you have gym at 1." Paige reminded the little girl and she nodded while looking at the digital clock that read '12:12'. I made Lennon a grilled cheese and Dino nuggets because that was her request and then I also made her some fruit punch to go along with her lunch. "Thank you Presey!" She said while I sat down next to her at the table and ate a random salad I found from the refrigerator.

Twenty minutes had passed and Lennon was dressed in her leotard and singing to herself while I slacked her hair back into a bun for gymnastics class. "Okay let's go!" I said and Lennon said goodbye to Paige and Madden while buckling into her car seat in the mom car as I drove her to gym.

"Presey you sit in the bleacher room," Lennon pointed to the room with windows and chair for the parents to sit in and watch the kid. "And I'll be over there, so you better watch me!" She pointed to the blue flooring with the beam and a bar. "Okay I'll be watching for you, good luck." I said and she gave me a kiss on the cheek then ran over to her coach while I walked into the room for parents/guests and sat quietly.

I looked down at my phone to see no new notifications and the last time Haiden was on his phone was forty minutes ago and he was still at the track. I checked my Instagram but there was no news or anything important really so I shut my phone off and decided to watch Lennon practice for her routine in two days.

"Hey stranger." Someone said then sat behind me, I turned around to reveal Kie- one of my best friends in this town. "Kiara!" I yelled then turned around to hug her, "where have you been?" "West coast to visit my boyfriend's family these past days, I haven't seen you since before your spring break?" She explained and I laughed. "Well you've missed a lot." She laughed and the whole gym practice we talked about my new boyfriend and her same boyfriend from high school and their plans on marriage. "Wow Kie." I said as she showed me her promise ring and she blushed, "I'm just waiting for the question at this point." She added with a laugh and I laughed too.

Gymnastics was over and Lennon came running over to us with a big smile, "Kieee!" She ran into her arms then explained to both of us what is going to happen on the day of her competition. "Ooo Lennon you little star!" I said while Elle came over to us too with all her bags, "you're back?" She yelled and ran into her older sister's arms, then we all walked out of the building together, into the humid Florida weather.

We decided to eat an early dinner at an açaí bowl place because Kiara and I still needed to finish our stories and the two girls also wanted to spend more times together. I texted Paige and she was fine with it as long as I brought her food back so I agreed as we ordered our meal.

We sat outside with Kiara and Elle then Kie finished her story about her boyfriend Zach and his family's dinner conversation about a beach trip in the next few weeks. "So I would say that's when I'm getting proposed too." She added with a shrug and I laughed, "you are so delusional." I added and she giggled.

"So you're telling me you wouldn't say yes if Haiden asked you to marry him right now?" Kiara asked and I laughed, "probably not because I haven't even been dating him for a month." I said and then it was her turn to laugh. "Okay well that makes sense in your position- but we've been dating since sophomore year..." Kie gave me more reasons and each of them led to an engagement clue. "Welp." She sighed.

All of us had finished our dinner so Lennon and I said goodbye to Kiara and Elle then I grabbed Paige's dinner and we drove back home and handed her food over as Madden just woke up from a nap.


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