Chapter 8: Yearning Forgiveness

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As I returned to my room, sinking back into my chair, memories flooded my mind. I couldn't help but reminisce about the day I had tried to rush to the airport to apologize to Mon before she left for England.

It was a chaotic day, and I had received a call from Kade informing me that Mon was leaving in just an hour. Rushing to the airport, my heart raced as I navigated through the crowded terminals. And there, amidst the hustle and bustle, I spotted Jim, Kade, Tee, Mon, and Mon's parents, all gathered as Mon prepared to check in.

Without a moment's hesitation, I rushed to Mon's side, desperate to make amends. I reached out and held her hand, pleading with her for just five minutes of her time.

"Mon, I'm sorry. Please, let me explain. I don't want us to part ways like this," I pleaded, my voice filled with remorse.

"There's nothing more to talk about, Sam. Your marriage says it all," Mon replied firmly, her tone tinged with sadness and finality.

Jim, Tee, Kade, and Mon's parents observed us with concern, their eyes reflecting the struggles they had witnessed in our past relationship.

"Mon, please... I just need five minutes," I pleaded once again, tears welling up in my eyes. But Mon refused to listen. With a forceful gesture, she released her arms from my grip and walked away from me. She bid farewell to her parents and our friends before checking in for her flight.

As Mon disappeared from my sight, I couldn't hold back the overwhelming emotions. I fell to sit on the ground, tears streaming down my face, my frustration evident as I brushed my hair away from my face.

Jim, Kade, and Tee rushed to comfort me, their presence a source of solace amidst the overwhelming turmoil of emotions.

As I was lost in my thoughts, my phone suddenly rang, bringing me back to the present. It was Jim inviting me to dinner.

"Hey Sam, how about dinner tonight? I found this great new restaurant we should try," Jim said enthusiastically.

"Sure, Jim. That sounds like a plan. What time?" I replied, grateful for the distraction.

"Great! Let's meet at 7:00 PM. I'll send you the details," Jim said before hanging up.

I agreed, looking forward to catching up with an old friend over a nice meal.

The day flew by as usual, keeping me busy. Eventually, I made my way to the restaurant Jim had mentioned.

Sitting at the dinner table, my mind still clouded with thoughts of my earlier conversation with Mon, I struggled to focus on the present moment.

Jim noticed my distracted state and called out to me, "Sam, is everything alright?"

I glanced briefly at Jim, offering a small smile before returning my attention to my wine glass, lost in my thoughts once again.

For a moment, Jim, Kade, and Tee observed me, noticing my distracted demeanor as I hovered my wine glass.

Tee broke the silence, addressing the group. "Hey guys, it was Mon's first day at work yesterday. Maybe Sam and Mon already met, that's why she seems distracted," Tee suggested.

Jim and Kade exchanged a knowing look, understanding the potential reason behind my distracted state.

To my surprise, I realized that Tee was aware of Mon's whereabouts. So I decided to confirm this.

"Wait, Tee, how do you know about Mon's situation? Are you updated about her while I'm not?" I asked, feeling a mix of curiosity and confusion.

"Well, Sam, you are her ex. Do you really think Mon would update her past lover?" Tee replied to me, and frowned at Tee's response.

Jim, Tee, and Kade exchanged glances, the intensity of their expressions revealing a shared sentiment.

"You know, guys, I hate to say it, but it was Sam's fault, you are my friend Sam but I can't be at your side with this." Jim asserted, echoing what the others seemed to believe.

Tee and Kade nodded in agreement, emphasizing their stance. I sighed and admitted, "Yeah, I know. It was my fault."

"Jim, you're making it sound worse than it was," I added, feeling a pang of guilt at Jim's words.

"But Sam, you left Mon hanging, and when she came back, she witnessed the wedding personally," Tee emphasized, her tone serious.

I sighed, realizing the gravity of the situation. "I know, Tee. I really messed up, so I could understand why she didn't want to talk to me before she left" I admitted, feeling a heavy weight on my shoulders.

"So, Sam, what's your plan now that Mon has returned?" Tee inquired, her gaze steady as she awaited my response.

"Sam," Kade interjected, turning to face me with a solemn expression, "as much as we all want things to go back to how they were, you know it's not possible right? You're already married to Kirk."

Kade leaned in closer to me, her voice softening with empathy. "Sam, you have to understand how painful it was for Mon to believe that Kirk had no feelings for you, only to find out later that you were the one he married."

Sam, while sipping her wine, nodded in agreement with her friends. "You're right," she admitted. "But more than anything, I just want Mon to forgive me."

"Let's stop this emotional conversation for now," Kade suggested, lifting her glass. "Instead, let's raise our glasses to support Sam."

Tee and Jim raised their glasses, and with a heavy heart, Sam agreed to join in. "Cheers," they all said in unison, trying to lift the somber mood with a moment of camaraderie.

Amidst the laughter at the table, Jim finally announced her pregnancy. Tee and Kade cheerfully congratulated her, their excitement palpable.

Jim, with a playful tone, turned to Sam and asked, "How about you Sam, when are you and Kirk going to have a baby?"

Kade chimed in, teasingly adding, "Yeah right, how's that going to happen if Sam doesn't even want to be beside Kirk in bed every night?"

Their jokes elicited more laughter from the group, but Sam ignored them, her mind elsewhere as she turned to her phone, contemplating whether she should call Mon or not.

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