Chapter 14: Sinful Desire

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As Mon and Sam strolled along, they found themselves sitting on a bench, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. Mon's eyes lit up as she spotted an ice cream stand nearby.

"Ice cream for dessert?" Mon offered, a playful smile tugging at her lips. "Your favorite flavor."

Sam looked surprised. "You remembered my favorite?" she asked, a hint of disbelief in her voice.

"There's nothing about you that I forget," Mon replied warmly, standing up and making her way to the ice cream stand.

A few moments later, Mon returned, handing Sam a bowl of ice cream. Sam took a spoonful, savoring the familiar taste.

"You didn't want to forget anything about me?" Sam asked softly, her gaze searching Mon's eyes.

"Mon hesitated for a moment before replying, "If I wanted to forget about you, I wouldn't have come back. I had a good career in England."

As Mon settled beside Sam on the bench, Sam couldn't help but ask the burning question on her mind.

"Why did you really come back?" Sam inquired, her voice tinged with curiosity and a hint of longing.

Mon took a moment to gather her thoughts before responding. "I guess you could say I've accepted everything that happened," she replied softly.

Sam's disappointment was palpable as she glanced at Mon. "Accept that I'm no longer in your life?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Mon nodded solemnly, taking a spoonful of ice cream as Sam glanced at her with disappointment, grappling with the weight of Mon's words.

As they continued their conversation, Sam noticed a bit of missed ice cream on Mon's lips. Without hesitation, Sam reached over and gently wiped it away.

"It's just... I still can't accept what happened," Sam admitted quietly, her voice heavy with regret. "I can't forgive myself for letting it happen."

Mon reached out and touched Sam's hand reassuringly. "Don't be so hard on yourself, Sam," Mon said softly.

Tears welled up in Sam's eyes. "If only I could turn back time," she whispered, her voice filled with longing.

Mon shook her head gently. "We can't bring the past back," she replied, her tone somber yet accepting. The weight of their shared history hung in the air, a reminder of the impossibility of undoing what had already been done.

Mon added with conviction, "We need to move forward, Sam. It's the right thing to do."

Sam's expression hardened as she countered, "But what if I don't want the right thing? How can I move forward if the only thing that can make me move forward is you, Mon?"

Mon sighed deeply, meeting Sam's gaze. "You know it's impossible," Mon replied, her voice tinged with sadness.

"Why is it impossible?" Sam pressed on, her eyes searching Mon's for answers. "I can feel that you still love me."

Mon's breath caught in her throat as Sam cupped her face tenderly. "I'm ready for the consequences," Sam continued, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm ready to be sinful if that's the only way I can have you back."

A rush of emotions flooded Mon as Sam leaned forward, their faces inches apart. Mon's heart raced, her mind spinning with conflicting desires. With a heavy heart, she stood up abruptly.

"This is wrong, Sam," Mon declared, her voice firm. "Let's go home."

Sam followed Mon silently as they made their way to the parking lot. They got into the car, but the tension between them lingered heavily in the air.

"I'll drop you off at home," Sam offered quietly, her voice barely above a whisper. Mon remained silent, her gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside the car window.

The journey home was filled with an uncomfortable silence, each lost in their own thoughts. When they finally arrived at Mon's house, Sam broke the silence.

"I'm sorry, Mon," Sam said softly, her voice filled with remorse. "I didn't mean to let my emotions get the best of me earlier."

Inside the car, Sam's voice trembled with emotion as she made a sad confession. "I still want you, Mon, even though I'm married," she admitted, her voice filled with regret. "I regret everything in the past. I've been living in the dark until you came back. Now, I feel alive again because of you. I still love you, Mon."

Mon's heart ached at Sam's words, torn between her own feelings and the reality of Sam's marriage. As Sam leaned in, attempting to kiss her, Mon couldn't help the flutter of emotions stirring within her.

Just as their lips were about to meet, a sudden knock on the car window startled them both. They pulled away, startled, to see a concerned neighbor peering inside.

"Is everything okay?" the guy outside asked, noticing the tension in the air.

Mon quickly composed herself, nodding. "Yes, everything's fine. Just having a conversation," she replied, trying to mask the turmoil beneath the surface.

"I should go," Mon replied firmly as she stepped out of the car, leaving Sam disappointed.

As Mon stepped out, she was greeted by Nop, who had been patiently waiting for her to come home. "Nop!" Mon exclaimed in surprise.

"Why are you just coming home now?" Nop asked, concern evident in his voice.

Hearing the mention of Nop, Sam's curiosity was piqued, and she stepped out of the car to investigate who Nop was.

"Mon!" Sam called out, "Sam?" Mon repliee

Confirming Sam's identity, Nop nodded and said, "Oooohhhh, you are Sam."

Curious, Sam asked, "Who are you?"

Introducing himself, Nop replied, "I'm Nop. And may I say, Sam, you're so beautiful. No wonder your husband can't let you go."

Sam's frown deepened with curiosity at what Nop knew about her.

"Hush, Nop," Mon whispered, gently guiding him towards the gate, bidding farewell to Sam. "Let's go, Nop," Mon added, urging him to move along.

Sam, curious, left the scene but followed with a bag of goods Mon had left in the car.

"Mon!" Sam exclaimed, catching Mon's attention just before they reached Mon's house gate.

Mon and Nop turned around to see Sam extending a bag of goods. Nop tried to reach for it, but Sam resisted, firmly stating, "This is Mon's."

Mon reached for the bag, saying, "Thank you."

Sam, with a furrowed brow, glanced fiercely at Nop before turning back to Mon. "You need to go inside now and rest," she urged. "Don't stay up late anymore."

Nop interjected, "Your concern for Mon is a bit too much, Sam. Your focus should be on your husband, not anyone else." He casually draped his arms over Mon.

"That's none of your business, Nop," Sam retorted sharply. "You don't know me, so stop acting like we're close."

Nop replied, "I may not know everything, but what I do know is enough for me to stop caring for Mon. I won't let you hurt her again, Sam. Go home to your husband and focus on being a good wife."

Sam's heart raced with anger, but before she could respond, Mon rushed to her side, grabbing her hand to calm her down. "Stop, Sam," Mon said soothingly. "You need to go home for now. We'll talk tomorrow."

"Mon, are you just going to let Nop treat me like this?" Sam exclaimed, frustration evident in her voice. "Is he your boyfriend or something?"

Mon hushed Sam gently, calming her down, and promised, "We'll talk soon, Sam. Promise. For now we all need to rest."

Sam turned away, her frustration evident in her heavy breathing as she walked back to her car. As she drove away, Mon watched her car disappear, disappointment evident in her gaze.

Nop, noticing Mon's expression, asked, "What?"

Rolling her eyes, Mon released a deep sigh and headed inside the house.

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