Chapter 21: Breakfast and Jealousy

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In Sam's office, her husband Kirk made an unexpected visit. Sam sat on her couch, scrolling through her phone to avoid engaging with Kirk. He handed her a coffee and placed a piece of bread on the table.

Observing Sam's furrowed brow, Kirk attempted to cheer her up. "Sam, it's too early for that expression. It's spoiling my wife's lovely face," Kirk teased, playfully reaching out to pinch Sam's cheek. Despite his efforts, Sam ignored him, dodging Kirk's attempt to pinch her.

"Alright, alright, I understand, Sam," Kirk acknowledged. "Are you upset because I asked you to come home last weekend?" Kirk questioned, continuing, "It's our home, Sam, where you should be."

"What more do you want? I already came home yesterday," Sam retorted.

"Alright, Sam, let's have a chat," Kirk said, taking Sam's phone. "What's bothering you?" he added.

Sam shook her head.

"Don't deny it, Sam. It's written all over your face," Kirk insisted.

"Even if I explain, nobody would comprehend," Sam replied.

"Sam, I'm your husband. I'll understand," Kirk reassured her.

Sam looked at Kirk skeptically. "Husband? Only on paper," she replied.

Sitting beside Sam, Kirk suggested, "Okay, Sam, let's try this. Before we were husband and wife, we were friends. Let's go back to being friends."

Leaning closer to Sam, Kirk was met with her irritability. "Kirk!" she exclaimed, shifting away.

With a smirk, Kirk teasingly asked, "Is it because of Mon?"

Sam, taken aback, looked at Kirk in surprise.

"Is it because of Mon's return? I can sense it, Sam," Kirk said knowingly.

Sam sighed, responding with sarcasm, "Well, if you already know, then why ask? Yes, Kirk, it's still Mon. But here I am, trapped in a decision I regret."

Kirk suggested, "Maybe if you gave our marriage a chance, things could have been different."

Sam shook her head, replying firmly, "I can't, Kirk. I don't love you the way you want me to. You know that. We're friends, and that's all I can offer."

"I have work to do," Sam continued, moving to her desk.

Kirk remained silent, the weight of Sam's words sinking in. He felt a pang in his chest, realizing Sam would never reciprocate his love.

"Just so you know, Sam," Kirk finally spoke up, "it also hurts me to know you can't love me back. But I love you, so I'll turn a blind eye to this. I'll see you later at home." With a heavy heart, Kirk bid his farewell and left Sam to her work bringing the coffee and bread to Sam's working desk.

After Kirk left Sam's office, Mon arrived with breakfast she had bought from the cafe.

Sam, engrossed in her work, didn't realize she had begun eating the breakfast Kirk had brought her.

Mon entered the room, closed the door, and cheerfully presented the breakfast to Sam. "Good morning, love! Here's our breakfast," Mon exclaimed, raising the bags for Sam to see. However, her excitement waned when she noticed Sam sipping on the coffee Kirk had bought her.

"Oh, you've already eaten," Mon added, sounding disappointed.

Sam dropped the cup immediately, eyes widening as she noticed Mon's frown.

"Mon! I forgot you were bringing breakfast for us, I'm sorry," Sam said, standing up and rushing to hug Mon.

Mon continued to sulk, attempting to break free from Sam's embrace. "I guess you're full already. I will just eat by myself at my desk," Mon replied before leaving Sam's office.

"Mon, I'm sorry," Sam said, scratching her head, knowing she was at fault this time.

As lunchtime approached, Sam sent a text message to Mon: "Lunch? What do you want? Steak or Me?" It was a flirtatious attempt to reconcile with Mon.

Mon's phone chimed, grabbing her attention. She read the text and replied, "I AM FULL. I HAD TO EAT TWO SETS OF BREAKFAST!!"

Sam received Mon's reply and immediately realized Mon was still sulking because of her. She hit her head on her desk in frustration.

As the workday neared its end, Sam persisted in reconciling with Mon, sending another text: "Dinner perhaps? Before going to our house?"

Sam sat at her desk, elbows resting on the surface as she tapped her fingers on her phone, waiting for Mon's reply. When her phone chimed, she eagerly read Mon's response: "I headed out of the office, have to eat dinner WITH SOMEONE ELSE."

Sam rushed to her office door, hoping to catch Mon, but only found Mhee cleaning the office floor. "Do you need something, Sam?" Mhee asked, startled by the sudden opening of the door.

Sam hesitated for a moment before replying, "Oh, nothing, Mhee. I just needed Mon for a moment."

"Mon?" Mhee inquired. "I saw her downstairs earlier. Some guy called Nop picked her up," she added.

Sam's emotions shifted from a desire to reconcile to a sudden surge of jealousy, her grip on the pen tightening as if she wished it would split in half.

Later that evening, Sam hadn't heard anything from Mon. Anxious, Sam sent numerous texts and tried calling Mon's phone, but there was no response.

Meanwhile, Mon, just out of the shower after a late-night dinner, noticed her phone ringing. She decided to answer while drying her hair with a towel.

"Finally, you answered," Sam exclaimed, relieved. "Where were you the whole evening? I've been calling and texting you," Sam added.

"Didn't I inform you that I would be having dinner with someone?" Mon replied sarcastically.

"Oh yeah! With Nop!" Sam replied in frustration.

"What's the problem with that, Sam? And can you please calm down? Your husband might hear you," Mon said, emphasizing the word "husband."

"Nop is my cousin, Sam. It's not like I had dinner with my husband, boyfriend, or girlfriend," Mon said sarcastically, still emphasizing the word "husband."

"Okay, Mon," Sam replied, attempting to remain calm. "Firstly, I'm in a separate room from Kirk, so he can't overhear our conversation," Sam reassured Mon. "Secondly, I'm really sorry about this morning. I got swamped with work and didn't realize I was eating it," Sam explained.

"And you forgot about me?" Mon retorted.

"At least I apologized, and I didn't eat with someone just to get back at you," Sam replied sarcastically.

"So now it's my fault?" Mon replied.

"No! I was just saying..." Sam replied frustratedly.

In an attempt to regain her composure, Sam said, "Mon, I'm sorry, okay? Let me make it up to you. Please. I'll pick you up on Sunday at 9 a.m. Let's have a date. Just you and me, the whole day, somewhere far so no one can see us."

"Just make sure you won't be late. 9 a.m. sharp, Sunday," Mon agreed.

"Yes! I promise!" Sam confirmed with utmost assurance.

"Okay. But for now, let's rest. We have urgent matters ahead for tomorrow," Mon replied.

"Okay, okay. Good night, my love. I love you," Sam replied calmly, feeling relieved.

"Okay, Sam. I love you too. Can't wait to see you tomorrow at the office," Mon replied, ending the call.

With a sigh of relief, Sam lay down on her back on her bed, brushing her hair backwards.

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