Chapter Eleven

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Text & Drunken convos

I know I probably shouldn't, and I know I definitely should just forget about it and wait for Yasmine like a normal person.

But what do find myself doing instead?

I find myself texting Tammy fucking Hollingsworth.

The thing about it is, I know she's at cheer practice and yet I can't help myself.

It's like this thing I find myself having to do and I lie and say it's because I'm bored but deep down I know it's something more, this feeling I'm desperately trying to get rid of before anyone, especially Yas, figures it out.

The cool February breeze slaps at my face and bare legs, causing my skirt to move in all directions and my hair to follow.

I start to text Tammy.

Having fun doing cartwheels?

It's a joke- except for the fact that I might be jealous because I totally can't so one.

I don't expect her to answer- especially not as fast as she does- but when phone dings- I pick it up a little too quickly.

Jokes on you
I defo don't know how to

I find myself smiling.

Some cheerleader you are

Like you can do one

I can actually
For your information I'm the best cartwheeler in the state baby
Literally have a trphiees and everything

Oh really?

The inventer of cartwheels literally wordships me
That's how amazing I am

Oh I bet
I can just see the trophies

I have a whole mansion for them
They're so shiny they hurt my eyes

Oh the agony

I giggle- like actually giggle and then I frown because I'm actually smiling at Tammy fucking Thompson.


This can't be happening.

I bit my lip and turn my phone off, ignoring my newest text from her and just sitting there- dumming on my thighs.

I refuse to be another girl on the list of girls Tammy Hollingsworth has hurt.

But I think it's becoming too late for that...

"Why do you look like your best friend just died?" Yasmine's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Oh- I do?" I question, standing up.

"Nah, I'm just saying that" she rolls her eyes at me but smile anyways, "seriously.." she begins softly, placing her hand on my shoulder, "you good?"

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