Chapter Seveneteen

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Realization & Agreements

Hey, my friend Jordan Lane is throwing a party this Friday, ya know, just in case you wanna drop by.

It's been days since that text was sent, days since Tammy claimed to want to see me at 8pm on Saturday and days on days on days of thinking of her.

"Has Tammy Hollingsworth ever been in love?" I blurt out. It's Thursday at lunch- which feels like a thousand years since Tuesday when Tammy texted me and I just keep wondering and wondering.

Who dumped her?

Everyone at my table goes silent- from Yasmine who's gushing about the beautiful red car her, her mom, and I decided we wanted to buy another week from now to the boys and the boys who are mixing random foods and daring each other to eat it.

"What?" Ethan stops eating a mix of grapes, hot sauce, and mashed potatoes to look at me.

I wrinkle my nose in disgust and then look anywhere but him, "has she?" I ask.

"If she even feels feelings" Yasmine scoffs, her tone almost as disgusted as me when I looked at her boyfriend a moment ago.

Seeing by her disgusted expression at the name alone, I know I can't tell her about my newfound feelings, and that I probably should just get rid of them.

But I can't. It's not as easy when I find her swimming around in my head day after day after day.

I really want to talk to her, but is there ever an easy way of talking to Tammy Hollingsworth?

As soon as Yasmine says "does she even have feelings" I think back to Valentine's day when she cried or even how intimidated and embarrassed she looked when my mom insinuated or insisted we were dating.

I think back to how when I grabbed her wrist electricity shot through me.

I can't be the only one feeling this... what "this" seems to be but I also can't be the only one falling.

Does Tammy Hollingsworth fall in love.

"I swear ever since you got that jacket you've been obsessed" Dyl laughs, "what, are you like in love with her?"

My face flushes red, "n-no!" I scoff with a laugh.

The three stare at me- Yasmine the hardest, like she's trying to break through a door to my brain and unlock my vault of secrets.

Then something clicks, and she does it, she silently figures everything out.

"You went to comfort her on Valentine's day..." she says slowly, as if she's putting it all together, "someone said they saw you at tony Davis's party with her and someone else said they say you and Lizzy get our of her car the morning after..." Dyl and Ethan look from me to Yasmine, as she pieces the puzzle together aloud, they look shocked.

Her expression on the other hand? Unreadable.

"Oh my fucking gosh" she whispers, she stands up, not bothering to take out her tray and storms away, out the cafeteria; leaving me and the boys alone.

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