Chapter One

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Friends & Coffee

"Wait- isn't he the one you were dating last week?" I question, titling my head to the side in confusion as I fix my perfectly curled dark hair in the big rectangular mirror that's above the beige marble bathroom sink.

"Yeah" Lizzy begins- readjusting her skirt so that it's just above the knee, "but I took a look at Brad and Chad and realized I was dating the uglier brother- so, I dumped him" she shrugs.

"Oh?" I say, finding my brows subconsciously perking up un amusement.

Lizzy, my fourteen-year-old sister, never seizes to amuse me.

Maybe it's because I spend 99% of my time with her- or even because she's technically my best friend- but I swear I should hate her like my other friends hate their siblings. Except, I can't- it's just not in my nature. She's like what I've always dreamed to be- in the sense that she's not afraid to speak her mind- be who she is- she's just like that. More confident than I can ever be at fourteen years old.

And she's just better than my mom and me...

I nod as I pick up my bath and body works perfume and start to spray it on myself, "wasn't Brad hurt?" I ask, reaching down to spray perfume on her wrist and neck.

She shrugs, "he'll get over it, plus- dating a tenth grader will give me major creed- ya know?"

I smirk, amused as I place the perfume on the sink counter, "I guess" I chuckle.

She smiles, "anyways, I'm not gonna be here after school today" she walks out of the bathroom and I follow behind- listening closely, "Summer wants to hang out at Kelly's and then we're gonna talk dresses for the Spring Fling".

"Isn't that months away?" I question while the two of us enter the kitchen.

She whips out her phone and sits down at the kitchen island while I make sure everything in her lunchbox is situated, "yeah, but you have to plan these things, Fee- you should start planning for Prom" her eyes sparkle when she says "prom" like it's a dream or something.

Call me crazy, but it's never been a particular dream of mine to attend prom- too many... people- reminders that I'll never get a teen romance or any romance got the natter- and too much awkwardly standing around with Ethan, Dylan, and Yasmine at the snack table.

I sigh, sliding the lunch box over to her- her eyes still glistening dreamily as I do do, before leaning over the counter and saying, "honestly, I never got what was so special about prom".

She gasps- her eyes widening, "really?"

"Lizzy, you already know this" I chuckle.

"I do, but it gets more and more unbelievable that a hopeless romantic like you cannot want to go to prom" she grabs her puppy covered lunchbox and spins around in the beige chair in front of the island, "it just doesn't add up".

"How?" I ask.

"You're you!" She says dramatically, stopping the seat abruptly as she says, "you rewatch romance movies about a thousand times- constantly read romance books and complain to your sixth grade sister how much you want romance before high school ends but don't want to go to prom? The one place romance is?"

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