Chapter Sixteen

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Movies & Excuses

"Why are you staring at the wall like that?" Skylar questions between chews of her soup dumplings.

"I'm not" I lie, going back to mindlessly eating my rice.

Truth is? I'm so obsessed with Fiona Taylor it might be hard to think.

Truthfully, I haven't been in love since Tess..

So am I really ready to take a risk?

And how do I know Fiona likes me or even girls for that particular matter?

The way her eyes twinkle when she laughs-

Oh my gosh I want to see that twinkle every day of my life if I can.

Are things awkward between us because of what happened on Wednesday? If so, I really, really don't want that.

Maybe she doesn't like girls or me or-

"Yeah right" Ryder snorts, "you haven't been focused since we left China Dragon".

I'm scared. Maybe if I look my siblings in the eyes they'll see right through me; see that the same way I felt for Tessa Brooks all those years ago is repeating itself and unfolding right in front of their very eyes.

What would they say?

Do they even know about Tess?

"Just tired" I lie, "cheer's been tiring lately, ya know?"

The two stare at me blankly. I knew it, I know they'd see right through me. I shove fried rice in my throat to stop myself from feeling awkward but I'm so thankful when the two drop it and start talking about Easter and how Uncle Harvey's girlfriend of three years Margot, makes the best easter baskets for us teenagers.

When they're done, Skylar goes back to her phone while Ryder tries to find a movie on the giant hanging flat screen in the family room.

"What to watch, what to watch" Ryder mutters, spinning the remote around in his hands.

Skylar laughs but keeps taking snapchat selfies.

"Tams" Ryder begins, I raise my brows and give him my mostly undivided attention, "what should we watch?"

I shrug, "I'm sleepy" I lie with the most award winning yawn known to mankind, "try a sappy romance-" as soon as I say the "R word" I start to think of Fiona and how hopeless of a romantic Lizzy says Fiona is. I remember how that morning after my drunken partying and me somehow getting into Fiona's house Lizzy said Fiona was waiting to be in love for her first kiss...

It's sickeningly adorable.

Could I be right for Fiona Taylor? Could I put everything aside for her?

Or would she just end up as another heartbroken girl?

"Huh" Ryder nods, he starts searching the Rom-com section of Netflix while I get up.

"Night" I say to the two, making sure to ruffle Skylar's perfectly brushed brown hair just as she's taking a selfie. The girl quickly squats my hand away but it's too late, her hair's ruined.

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