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"My baby's going on another date!" Mom sniffles, wiping her eyes with a tissue on account that she's ACTUALLY crying. I'm smiling, looking at myself in the bathroom mirror for the thousandth time that minute before turning to her.

"Mom" I chuckle, "we've been over this!" I walk over and pull her into a hug, she sniffles. This is my fifth date, she should be used to this.

"I remember when you were a baby and now-" she shakes her head.

"Okay, okay, mom" Lizzy laughs, taking mom's hand and pulling her away from me before her hysterics wrinkle the outfit Lizzy spent so much time obsessing over- lightly colored jeans because apparently that makes my "ass pop" and a yellow and white lined crop top. It's not much but we're going to a cat cafe; so Tammy said I shouldn't really dress up-dress up.

"You still have me" Lizzy says, hugging mom while motioning for me to make a grand escape.

Simba rounds the corner and begins to meow, I kneel down to pet him.

It's been a month since Tammy and I started going out, yet mom is still hysterical over my growing up- and Yasmine's still a bit skeptical, meanwhile the boys are just happy I'm happy.

There's a honk from outside- a way to familiar one that causes my heart to cartwheel with happiness.

I place give Simba a kiss on the head before I rush outside, excited. "Bye Mom, bye Lizzy!" I yell out to the two before I exit the house. Tammy's waiting outside her car, arms folded across her chest as she waits for me with a smile.

"Hi Miss Celeb" she teases.

"Shut up" I snort with a smile, I walk past my car- the same one Yasmine's mom helped me get about a week before Spring break started and go to hug Tammy.

"I kissed you" she whines, spinning me around in her arms.

"You say that every time we're away from each other for more than an hour" I point out. She gives me a playful pout.

"Okay, okay" I smile, "I missed you too" I admit.

"I know" she winks at me. The two of us get in her car, a car I'm way too familiar with by now.

. . .

We've been to this same cat cafe at least five times- which is why I count all our cat cafe dates as the same date all together.

Tammy likes this place for one reason other than the foot and its pastel colors; Snowball. Snowball's this beauty white cured, blue eyed Persian cat with a flat and squishy face that hates everyone. Except Tammy.

When we first came here April, the owner's daughter, she's somewhere between thirteen and our teen, warned Tammy not to let Snowball.

"She likes to scratch" the girl said.

But now?

Tammy sits in front of me at our usual table in the back by the big rectangular windows, letting Snowball who's purring away on her lap.

"And she doesn't like people, huh?" I chuckle.

"Shh, she's your competition" Tammy winks playfully.

"Oh yeah?" I cock my brows up, tilting my head.

"Oh yeah".

"I don't think I have to worry about her" I roll my eyes playfully.

"You sure?" Tammy begins, "she is pretty sexy" she jokes.

"I'm sexier",


"My heart" I gasp dramatically, bringing my hand up to my chest, "you broke it".

"Whatever" Tammy snorts.
It's then that April comes over and says, "so, have you thought about it yet?" She's been asking Tammy this same question since our third date here.

Tammy shakes her head, "I don't know..." Tammy begins, "I jokingly said I wanted a pet but...I don't think my family would be okay with it".

"Have you even asked?" I ask Tammy.

She shakes her head, "Mom's never liked animals- at least dogs- Skylar loves cats but Snowball's a little jerk" she smiles so April and I know she's joking, "and Ryder and Dad wouldn't be there enough to care".

"So adopt heerrr" April whines, "before they..." she pauses, trailing off.

"They what?" Tammy asks, her smile dropping in concern.

"The whole reason my mom owns the place is so the cats get adopted, "Snowball's been adopted three times and dropped back onto the street- they want to get rid of her and replace her with a kitten" April pauses, "like get rid of get rid of- like kick the bucket like-"

"I get it April" Tammy looks down at the cat.

"I could adopt her..." I tell Tammy- because I already have Simba, what harm would another cat do?

"No- no, it's okay..." she pauses, "I think I want to".

"Yes!" April exclaims- Snowball jumps, "I'll go get the paperwork".

And before either of us can answer April dashes away to the back room.

"What are the odds" Tammy turns to me with a smile so wide you'd think she just won the lottery, "and cat- and maybe a girlfriend...".

A smile spreads across my face, "Tammy Hollingsworth, are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" I question excitedly.

"Only if you say yes..." she says slowly.

"Yes!" I almost yell but she interrupts me, "wait, wait, wait- hold on let me ask again!" She giggles.

"Okay" I wiggle in my seat excitedly.

"Fiona Taylor, will you be my girlfriend?" She asks.

"Yes!" I scream so loud I'm sure all the cats and people around are concerned and annoyed but I don't care. I'm so happy I go over to hug her and pull her into a kiss. Snowball jumps out of her lap, hissing and glaring at me before running off to one of the many lightly colored cat trees in the room.

If you had told me, Fiona Taylor, that I would have a girlfriend my junior year of high school- let alone that girlfriend would be Tammy fucking Hollingsworth, I'd think you were playing with me.

Because part of me could never actually believe it. But now? I do.

. . .

I'm going to cry. Yes I've finished stories before (and every time I feel so happy but sad at the same time) I hope you guys liked this story, don't forget to vote and maybe check out some of my other ones like if you liked this story- read "It All Started With A Ride" OR if you like Fake hopeless pining- read "Dear Erika Parker, I've always loved you"

Or don't. Your choice frfr :)

- T A L E Y I A H

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