Chapter Seven

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Work & night Convos

"I'm so tired I could quit" Peyton gasps dramatically, placing the back of her hand on her forehead as if she might faint.

I laugh at my coworker's playfulness before going handing her a hot chocolate with the name ALEX written across it.

"Hot coco for Alex!" Peyton yells out- holding up the beige foam cup of coffee with a brown lid on it.

Alex- the guy with the hot chocolate comes up and takes it and with a smile hands Peyton a tip of twenty bucks.

The blonde blushes- like actually blushes, "thanks" she says shyly.

"No problem" he winks, "see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah" she says.

"Oooh" I begin, teasingly nudging her.

Alex and Peyton go to Lakeshore Prep- a boarding school in Lakeshore that takes two hours to get to and from.

A lot of Summerville County kids attend Lakeshore prep- and if it's not that, it's SVA- nobody I know attends Bridgewell High or middle school.

"Shut up" she blushes- pushing me a little.

I wiggle my brows at her.

"Shut up" she's smiling so hard her cheekbones could break, "I hate you".

"You love him though" I tease.

"Women, stop teasing that poor girl" Lizzy giggles. I turn to see her leaning up against the resigner counter.

"Yeah, yeah" I roll my eyes, "more taters?" I guess.

"Ding, ding, ding" she smiles excitedly.

I turn to Peyton- about to ask her to get Lizzy and her friends more taters when she says, "on it" with a click of her tongue.

She goes to the back while Lizzy hops over to her friends- and a blonde haired guy I can inly assume is Brad- or Chad- or whatever guy she can get with.

Obviously I'm not slut-shaming my sister- I'm just saying that she's the definition of middle school playground relationships.

Nothing's wrong with that.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the ding of the bell above Kelly's door- signaling that someone walked in.

And then I turn to see Tammy walking in. Oh god.

Now my co-workers are gonna be all over me.

As much as I appreciate her taking up for me a few weeks ago- it's now February- and I've mostly been fine since that day in detention.

"Oh, hey you" she smiles, shifting awkwardly. Tammy Hollingsworth- awkward, who would've thought.

"Hey" I smile, "welcome to Kelly's- what can I get ya?".

"Oh-" she looks around, "just a chocolate milkshake please" she says.

I nod and place in her order before yelling, "Bri, a chocolate milkshake!"

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