Chapter Two

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Country clubs & Game night

"You broke her heart, Tam", Jenna says pointedly.

Looking at Jenna hit the tennis ball with her club before I roll my eyes, "I always do" I sigh, my shoulders slightly slumping.

"We weren't even dating" I add pointedly, "so why does this always happen?"

"You're too nice" the blonde runs to hit the next ball the machine shoots out.

It's the next day and my best friend Jenna and I are hanging out at our parents country club talking about Molly Danielson- the most recent heartbroken girl on my list.

I see no point in love. I mean, my parents love each other- I love Jenna and my siblings- but the last girl I love wanted my money and fame. How do I know every girl isn't like that?

So I opt for flings- they're not bad or anything- except for the part where they fall in love.

It's not like I'm void of emotion- or like I don't feel for these girls- but it just kind of annoys me.

I want a fling with no strings attached- one that won't fall in love.

"How exactly am I too nice?" I question.

"Well for one- aftercare- what person who wants casual sex does that?"

"I think all you girls are used to hooking up with crappy people- aftercare is having decency".

"Oh sure" Jenna rolls her eyes, "and then, from what they all say- you're too sweet and passionate" she wrinkles her nose at the last parts, "for your own good".

"Again, human decency"

She shakes her head, "you also cuddle them".

"Who doesn't like cuddles??"

"Everyone does but you know what cuddles mean? Love- and you know what love me? The opposite of causal".

"You're being dramatic"

"Am I?" She stops to look at me, "look around, if you'd stop doing those things... nobody would fall in love with your ass- right Gina?"

I turn around to see Gina- our other country club friend who's only fifteen but cool enough- jogging towards us in her pink track suit with her red curls in a ponytail.

"What?" Gina questions breathlessly.

"Jenna's convinced me having human decency makes me too nice of a player".

"It does" Gina nods, hands on her hips as she pants.

"How?" I groan.

"When I had a thing with Diego Presley last summer- I wasn't sad when things ended" Gina says, positioning herself behind the ball shooting machine so she can add more balls to it for Jenna, "you know why, Tam? He sucked- he never did that aftercare bullshit and he definitely never cuddled with me".

"Oh my gosh!" I groan, "that's because he was a boy!"

Jenna gives me a look- I already know what she's about to say.

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