Chapter Nine

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Coworkers & Movies

"So that's it?" Peyton asks, moving her blonde hair out the way as she looks at me, "you two will just never speak again?"

I shrug before I start wiping down the nearest table I can find.

It's later that night and Peyton, a few other coworkers of mine, and I are closing up in the store.

I thought giving her back her jacket would take her out of my life.

It didn't.

It feels like a continuous part of my life now is people asking me about Tammy fucking Hollingsworth.

My life still centers around her.

I can see why. But I refuse to become one of those dumb girls who fall in love with her- because I am not. I mean, it's undeniable that she's pretty.

I'll give her that. She's really, really pretty.

She has these eyes that sparkle- they're such a pretty blue that it's scary. And then her hair- so long and pretty. Her hair reminds me of fall. And the dimple on her left cheek is so damn cute.

Her scent is comforting.

And I hate that. I hate that in the time of having her jacket I realized that.

And you know what I hate even more?

That she's in my world.

And now I can't get her out of it.

"We were never friends or anything" I scoff, "I barely even know the girl".


"So I'm not gonna become another bimbo on the list of girls she's played" I state.

Peyton nods- like she understands but she probably doesn't.

I don't think anyone does. Tammy Hollingsworth is notorious among my coworkers- among my school- among everybody and no one at work will leave me alone.

Because I should be honored, right? I should be happy that Tammy fucking Hollingsworth shot me a pretty smile and gave me her vanilla smelling jacket- I should be happy that she asked me to hang out I should be happy but why am I not happy?

Because she's everywhere- in my head, at my school, at my job- she's everywhere

How can I even function like that?

It's like an ad you see every living second of the day.

"So, what about you and Alex?" I tease, quickly changing the subject.

Peyton's face turns so red I swear she's a tomato.

"I-I w-we're nothing" but she's smiling so hard I swear her cheekbones will fall off.

"Ooo, coming to pick you up and drop you off ain't nothing" I tease.

"Shut up"

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