Chapter Ten

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Numbers & Realizations

It feels like the warm weight of Sadie's arm is burning a whole in my stomach.

Persistent not to wake her, yet hungry and unwilling to stay the rest of the Saturday night or even Sunday morning, I find myself looking for a solution in the moonlight lit pastel pink bedroom.

Pillows, pillows, stuffed animals. Ding, ding, ding.

I'm no stranger to escaping cuddles- almost every girl I hook up with wants them- and I do sure, but damn- I don't like staying the night.

I carefully reach over my head and grab one of Sadie's many stuffed animals- this one's a pillow-sized elephant.

I gulp- because if she catches me I'll be subjected to the usual "Tammy" whines and sleepy confusion.

I don't want that. Right now, all I want is food, and my real bed.

I gently lift her arm a little- hesitant when she flinches a little. I stop for what seems like forever but is probably a few seconds- she nuzzles into the nape of my neck.

"Damn it" I whisper- I gently push her away just enough for me to quickly grab the elephant and then- in a motion I'm sure is not as swift as I think, roll far enough to swap the stuffed animal with me.

From the very edge of the bed I watch- heart racing as I hope she doesn't notice my replacement before I leave.

I bite my lip- until finally, she pulls the bear closer and nuzzles her head into it.

I let out a breath I don't even know I'm holding. Then, I look for my cloths.

After putting my gray sweatpants, random black tee shirt advertising a water part, and brown leather jacket on I don't even risk leaving with my shoes on. Instead, I take them, my phone, my socks and my keys and quietly walk out of her room.

I sneak into the bathroom and throw on the rest of my things before I exit her house. Her parents aren't here— and from her room, she can't hear the front door slam.

I hop into my car and though I feel a little guilty for leaving her in her house with the door unlocked- the door's usually always like that.

I start to drive.

To where? I don't even really know.

. . .

Ten minutes later, I end up at Kelly's. It's only 8:15 when I enter and some part of me perks up when I see Fiona standing at the counter, looking bored with her phone in hand.

For some reason I smile- and my heart actually begins to race.

"I'm not expert" I begin, smirking as I lean against the counter, "but I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to have that out".

She lowers her phone, smiling and god- smiling and god her smile is so pretty.

"Welcome to Kelly's what can I get you?" She tries to hide the laugh in her voice but I catch it.

I pause for a second- because part of me didn't actually think any of this through- I think I just really wanted to see her face.

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