Chapter Twelve

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Hangovers & Little Sisters

When I wake up the next morning- my head is pounding and the scent of Lavender is invading my nostrils.

Sun is leaking in through the lacy daisy covered curtains and whatever bed I'm in is so soft I could lay there forever.

And then I remember- I'm at Fiona's house.

It feels weird- because one minute I'm at Tony Davis's party and the next I'm underneath Fiona's violet colored daisy covered blanket.

It feels weird. Usually when I'm drunk I wake up in the beds of girls I've hooked up with- and usually when someone takes me home we end up having sex.

Or at least making out.

But the knowledge of knowing nothing happened and Fiona ran away just when I wanted to kiss her, makes me feel weird, I mean, even straight girls want to kiss me.

Part of me wanted to kiss her. Why? I mean, I have Sadie. No feelings.

I don't want feelings.

Blinking rapidly to adjust to the sunlight in the room, I gently lift the covers.

My feet hit the soft carpeted floor and I take in her room for a second. I don't know what I expected-

But the obvious obsession with Daisies and romance movies is feels so Fiona.

One the wall beside her black failed double bed, there's a bunch of movie posters- The Notebook, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Girl Next Door- movies I should probably see but have only heard of.

Rubbing my eyes I make my way out of the room, where the same orange tabby cat I played with last night is laying on the stairs.

When it spots me it stalks over- purring and budding its head against my leg, this cat is way too friendly. But I'm not opposed to it.

I scope the cat up and walk downstairs with it.

Fiona's house is small, but really nice- it's refreshing to actually have an idea of where I'm going. I mean, who even needs that much space?

Yes I get that we're a family of five, but do we really need a mansion? No.

I think the reason people with money buy things like mansions and expensive cars is so they can show they have money- because who even needs a 6 billion dollar car or house or cat or dog? It makes no sense to me, and that says a lot because all I've ever known is money.

But I've always wanted to live in one of those cozy Full House houses that one can only find on Tv.

"What's its name?" I ask Fiona as soon as I step into the kitchen, she's sitting at the kitchen island beside her sister eating a bowl of cereal.

"Well good morning to you too" she chuckles.

"His name's Simba" Lizzy says, then quickly asks, "are you and my sister dating?"

Fiona gasps, "Lizzy!" And I swear I see Fiona's cheeks flush red.

My face turns red, "n-no- I uh- don't do romance" I say, but it feel weird- like maybe I'm hurting Fiona and I don't exactly know why I care.

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